Friday, March 22, 2013

Random Friday Thoughts

Today is Friday! And you will get some random thoughts from me.... No rhyme or reason to them. Just thoughts.

* Update on Fabian: He is doing well! The accident was 2 weeks ago, today. It has been a rough road - but he was moved today to a rehab facility. There is still a lot to his recovery - but things are looking good. Please continue to pray for his healing process and pray for him as he learns about the loss of his mother and her best friend.

* Jaxen has found the pots and pans...and it's pretty cute! Very noisy, but cute. I think his Mamaw Kay showed him where they were - because before she got here he had not found them, and then when she left he all of a sudden knew where they were!

* Do you buy Easter outfits for church? I have not in a very long time. Does Jaxen need a new Easter outfit? Not too sure on the protocol for that. He will probably get an Easter basket. And I guess we will take him to hunt Easter eggs. I'm about to get off on an Easter tangent pretty easily I will move on...

* Nik and I, plus some of our teens will be headed out of town this weekend for a youth event. I am looking forward to that, although I have done nothing to prepare!

* We had a great time with Kay and Russell this week. I'm so glad they were able to come see Jaxen. It is hard having family far away. It is, what it is (my favorite saying these days); however, it would be nice for Jaxen to see his grandparents (both sets) more often! How do you manage that, living far away? Here I go again....another tangent...

I took very few pictures while they were here. Shame on me.

Standing, all by himself. That is new this past week.

* How is it that February went so slowly and March is happening so quickly? I'm trying to get my calendar set for the next few months. We have some trips, and some people visiting and I'm trying to get it all straighted out. It seems when I look too far ahead though, I just get excited about 'whats to come', and not the 'here and now'. Get it? Stop and smell the roses...

* I think I'm becoming a night person. I'm not sure I like it, though. I never turn out my light to go to bed until at least 11pm. Crazy. And I used to love getting up early in the morning, before anyone else. Now I just want to sleep. I think having a baby changes things! Ha Ha....of course they do!

* Speaking of having a baby, I plan on having another one. Sometime. I have heard all the pro's and con's for having children close together and far apart. Obviously, they won't be too close together!

* We now have fish. Well, Jaxen has fish. Which really means, we have fish. A circle, I know. Long story, short: My neighbors had one fish that they decided needed some friends and they decided Jaxen needed them. End of story. I will not always be that accepting of people just giving my child animals to take care of!

Well, that's 9 random thoughts...I guess I better give one more thought to make it an even 10!

* Jaxen is the most precious, adorable baby ever!  The last three nights he has let me cuddle him before bedtime. Nik was gone and it was just me and Jaxen. I would not trade those quiet moments with my baby for anything.

P.S. (I made this a P.S. so I would still have an even 10 random thoughts). Jaxen came to work with me yesterday. While at work, he was 'organizing' some things...

And on that note...

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

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