Monday, March 11, 2013

Jaxen - 9 Months

Jaxen will be 9 months old tomorrow!

Month 9, for some reason, has seemed to hit me a bit harder than the other months. Not too sure why. Not hit me hard in a bad, or sad way - just hit me hard like 'Wow - my baby is not really a baby anymore' type of way.

He is pretty much done with me taking his picture, but I still try. This is what he wants to do instead:

Play and explore. He does really great playing on his own. However he likes someone to be in the room with him.  The other day I left the room to put some of his laundry away and before I got it all put away, he had come to find me!

Jaxen is officially sleeping in his crib, putting himself to sleep and sleeping at least 10 hours a night. Sometimes 12. I can't believe we are finally there!!! He normally takes about an hour morning nap (although, right now we are working on a 1 1/2 hour nap) and a 2 hour nap in the afternoon.

When he is not sleeping, he is playing. With everything! And exploring, and putting things in his mouth, and pulling's endless. But really fun watching him grow and learn!

We had to be at the church for awhile on Sunday afternoon and I shot these cute pics:

Jaxen is still in size 3 diapers. We go to the doctor on Wednesday for his 9 month check-up, so I will report his weight and length stats then. He is in 12 month clothes. We were recently given a lot of clothes from one of my friends. And I am so thankful!

Jaxen eats 3 meals a day (9am, 1pm and 6pm) with an afternoon and evening snack. He takes a bottle most of the time, but I do still nurse him at night before he goes to bed. I am working with him on eating finger foods - but most of the time I spoon-feed him his meals. He loves oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, veggies for lunch and usually chicken or pork with veggies and maybe a little fruit for dinner.  He takes at least a 4 oz bottle after every meal.

He loves the movie, The Lorax. He loves peek-a-bo. He loves to make noise. He loves to watch traffic. Loves, loves being outside. Still loves his bath time.

I'm actually trying to think about what he does not love....being in a room alone... that's all I can think of right now. He is just at a fun stage where he loves everything!

He has started whining, though. Especially when he is tired. And it can be hard to put him down for a nap sometimes.

But I do love this boy. So, so much. He is pretty incredible! 
And I am so thankful that I get to be his momma!

Bye - Bye!

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