Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What's up with us...

All my posts have been about Jaxen lately - so I thought I'd give you some updates on Nik and I:

* We had a date night on Saturday with another couple. No Jaxen. We ate at my favorite mexican restrauant and had a wonderful time! I love doing something different!

* On the topic of doing something different - I bought a new shower curtain for Jaxen's bathroom. It has ducks on it. It's pretty cute. (Picture to come at a later time).

* I went grocery shopping yesterday and had a short list. I broke our 'Food Budget' by $19.78. How does that happen? I see frozen mangos that I think Jaxen would love to chew on while he is teething; Nik sees a coffee creamer he might like; I pick up my favorite cereal insead of the cereal that is the better-deal....and that is how the 'Food Budget' is blown. Ususally, I take my time and think thru each purchase and if I go over, then something gets put back until I am under my budget. I was in a hurry yesterday. So now, we don't get to order our our favorite pizza one night this week. We will stay home and have leftovers! Just keeping it real and telling you what is going on - Ha!

* Nik is in the middle of his Upward Basketball Season. Overall, it is going well. There have been some bumps in the road - but we are staying positive and focusing on the goal: Sharing Christ and teaching the skills of basketball. But he is tired. And we still have 4 weeks to go. Here are some pictures taken of Jaxen from this past Saturday:

This is where Jaxen took his morning nap - in his stroller, in the kitchen

And this is how he napped in the afternoon - cuddled up with Mrs. Roxanne

* We have purchased a new mattress! It was time. But gosh - those things cost a lot of money. And so far - worth. every. penny. We upgraded to a King Size. Too wonderful for words. It is a memory foam mattress with a cooling gel. It's a pretty impressive mattress actually! And I'm so thankful for the research, wheeling/dealing, clearance-price...etc. that happened.

* I am doing well. As I have said before - I am enjoying Jaxen during this stage so much right now. But that is not to say that I am not in a constant battle of making the best decisions for our family. Just recently Nik and I had a conversation about what a certain situation would look like if we do what is best for our family, instead of what we want. And we decided that it needed to change - and it will.

* With whatever free time we have, we spend it playing Peek-a-boo with Jaxen, playing scrabble, or visiting with our neighbors next door.

P.S. Funny story - I got a text today from our babysitter that said "Jaxen decided to poo AS I was changing his diaper!" Oh the life...I'm sure she is due for a raise!

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