Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Big Announcement

My love for Gardettos has returned.

We had 2 dead rats in the attic of our offices for the past 2 weeks. Yuck! Thankfully, two brave souls went up and found them, captured them and safely discarded them in the dumpster. Even thinking about this gives me the heebee-jeebees.

Jaxen bonked his head...again. A bruise and bump are to follow. Third one. I know this is starting to be a common thing. I'll probably stop counting how many times it happens soon. It might help me though, if the nice people at the grocery store would stop telling me how cute my baby is...and then follow up with some comment about the knot on his head. Multiple times. I can no longer go to that same grocery store until Jaxen has no more bumps on his head.

And the big announcement of the day: 
Jaxen slept through the night! 
And if you didn't catch that, here it is again (bigger): 
Jaxen slept through the night! 
And one last time (all caps): 

This has only been an issue since, um...well, November! 7 hours. This was after only 2 hours of 'going to bed' and waking up 4 times. I'll take it. And hopefully we can do this again and conquer this no sleeping thing soon. I know this is normal, and blah blah blah...but it might just put me (and Nik) in therapy if it does not end soon. All I'm saying.

And if you read the title and thought "She's pregnant" - your wrong. Cannot. Go. There. Yet. You read the comment about therapy, right?!

Moving on.

Here is a video of Jaxen waving. Like I said before, he waves much better when a camera is not in his face...and a toy is not in his hand...but for now, this is what you get:

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I thought the Gardettos were the big announcement! Ha ha! What a cute wave! I LOVE it.
