We have a couple items of clothing from when Nik was a baby. And Jaxen wore one of them 2 Sundays ago! We did not get to take a real good picture of him in this outfit. It was a busy day and I only got a few snap shots before we left the house.
But here he is, in one of Nik's baby outfits:
Complete with shoes, too! This is the first time we have ever put shoes on him. Most of the time, he goes barefoot or just has socks on. But we loved his little sandals!
There is this man at church, Mr. Nix, who has wanted to hold Jaxen the past couple of Sundays but it has always been bad timing (fussy because a nap is needed, time to eat, or already asleep in the car seat). So on Sunday, Jaxen was awake and I asked Mr. Nix if he wanted to hold him - of course he did! So all through church, Jaxen slept with Mr. Nix, and I think they both loved it!