Jaxen now weighs 11 lbs. 12 oz. and is in the 50th percentile. His length is about 22 1/2 in. which is also in the 50th percentile. Basically, Jaxen is average!
Jaxen had a very good check-up. There are only a few things that we need to watch/work on. He has a very dry scalp and some Eggsema on his chest and back. Not a big deal and she has told me how to take care of both those items. Other than that - she is happy with the growth and process that he is making!
Some good news - I can now stop 'double-feeding' Jaxen! YEAH! He will nurse every 3-4 hours or take a 5 oz. bottle.
We did learn the results of Jaxen's Hemaglobin tests: He has a form of Hopkins II Hemaglobin. I have to call the Hematologist to get some more facts about it, but basically this abnormality will not affect him as far as daily activities go. So that is good news! I will call the Hematologist at some point this week to learn a bit more about it.
And the last part of Jaxen's check-up was shots. They went well. I made Nik help comfort him while I took pictures. When I told the nurse I was going to take pics she replied "That's a first!" And Nik replied "She's a blogger." Apparently that explains it! Ha! Actually, taking pictures helps me not to focus on what she is doing. And I thought you might want to see them:
While we were seeing the pediatrician today, I decided to have her look at my right hand. I have had some itchy bump-like things on it this last week. And I was scared it could be turning into Impetigo (see posts from last summer to read more about this crazy stuff I had on my legs). It has turned out to be Poison Ivy. I have no idea how in the world I have Poison Ivy on me. I am doing my best not to touch Jaxen with that part of my right hand. It is in between my 1st and 2nd finger - so it's pretty easy to keep that part of my hand away from him, or put a cloth between my hand and him. So - here we go again... Hopefully this will clear up soon!
That's all for now...
Glad to hear he is doing well, thats always good to hear! He is so cute!