At work, one of my boss' planned a St. Patrick's Day Tea for all the office assistants. (We love Tea Parties and any excuse to have one is just fine with me!). I was allowed to leave work today for about 1 1/2 hours to enjoy this:
My boss, Kay (hostess of the Tea Party)
Kay's gift to us: We each got to pick out our own tea set to use and then keep!
Fruit, Biscotti, Cookies, and of course...Tea!
Another fun thing this week - my 'St. Patricks Day' flower bouquet! As a fundraiser, the High School Band was selling cards to a flower shop. With the purchase of a $30 card, you get 1 fresh bouquet of flowers for 6 months. I thought it was a pretty good deal ($5 bouquets each month). This was the bouquet I received for the month of March! I love it! It sits at my desk during the week and then I will bring it home this weekend to enjoy. How can you not smile when you look at these flowers - it just brightens up my day!
On a not-so-fun-note, I have been doing a lot of this:
Raking Leaves! It is that time to get our yard ready for spring/summer time.
5 bags of leaves, raked on Tuesday - and only 1/2 of the backyard is done!
Oh well! The weather is beautiful right now and it feels so good to be outside after being inside an office all day.
On a side note - and since this blog is titled 'The Day's of Nik and Carla' - I better include a little about some of Nik's days. Here's a rundown of his Monday and Tuesday: Went mountain biking - cut up his arm pretty bad. Played dodgeball - sprained his ankle. So far today he has been taking it easy and had no injuries (although he is not home from youth group yet - knock on wood)!
This week is Spring Break for Temple and so he is taking advantage of the extra time he gets to hang out with the teens - which means lots of basketball, dodgeball, some bowling, a movie night...who knows what else...hopefully, the injuries will not continue....!
And that's a recap of our days! We are looking forward to this weekend and spending time with some special visitors!
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