Saturday, March 5, 2011


March is here! I was given this plant by a sweet co-worker to celebrate the beginning of spring.

Yes, spring is here in central Texas. After only about 11 days of cold. Maybe not even that many. Just kidding. We did have a little cold weather - but not much. In my mind, spring should not come until we have had 4 months of cool to cold weather. And we did not. Oh well.

I am pretty happy because I woke up to the sounds of rain on our windows and roof. I LOVE the sound of rain!

This past week at work was pretty busy. At one point, a co-worker came into my office and laughed at my desk. I stepped back to see my desk thru thier eyes and this is what I saw:

Yes, 3 computers - and I was working on all of them! Funny, huh?!

I got my haircut last week and I meant to take a picture of it. I had a really good hairday on Thursday. But I forgot. I will hopefully remember sometime this weekend. I figure you might want to start seeing pics of me and Nik on here instead of pictures of my work computers, and plants...and all the funny things I seem to have pictures of!

I am going to put my computer away now and try to focus on all the stuff I want to get done over this weekend. There is a list. There always is. I don't want to share with you my list in case I decide to be really lazy this weekend and get nothing accomplished but laundry (which Nik is making me do - actually he even started some last night because we are in that much dire need of clean laundry)! Ha!

Hope you have a great weekend - I know I will...!