The school year has officially begun! And everyone in the family was happy about it and excited!
Zane is now in 2nd grade. 2nd grade feels "big" to me, for some reason. So far, Zane is enjoying his teacher and really has no complaints about school! I'm so glad...because last year although he loved his teacher and had so many friends in his class he just got to a point where he did not like school and did not want to go.
His favorite things about school are PE and recess. He lives for those two things - haha!
Sadly, when we saw his class roster none of his "besties" were in class with him - but he assured me he still had many "friends". I'm sure the school knew what they were doing by splitting some of those boys up :).
Jaxen is now in 6th grade. 6th grade (here) is middle school and Jaxen was so excited! I thought they did well at the end of 5th grade, getting the kids ready for the transition. They were able to tour the school, meet with counselors and the principal and were able to pick their electives early. A week before school Jaxen had the chance to go to the school and find his locker (practice the lock) and find his classrooms.
The first week or so, they really took things slow. They did a lot of "getting to know you" and "get to know the school". The kids have 3 schedules they follow through the week (which sounds super confusing to me) but the kids seem to understand it and were able to get a good feel for it during that first slow week. They also got a chance to get to know the teachers and the other 6th graders (about 250).
Jaxen loves the extra freedom that comes with middle school. He loves being able to get to school early just to hang with his friends. He loves that he now has some kind of cool computer (I don't remember what kind!) that he gets to use and bring home. As parents, Nik and I are trying to help him balance this new freedom. He is still a kid. He needs to mature and grow in responsibility still - but he is honestly doing really well. We just try to keep guiding him in the right direction and we PRAY as he enters this new season of life!
Isn’t it funny that his school is Santa Fe Trail?!?!