Tuesday, May 31, 2022

All About Zane

Oh Zane… he is one of a kind, isn’t he?! Just take a look…

Cutting his own hair (with supervision, this time)!

Playing in the snow.

Looking cool, with his sports medals.

Zane wants to color his hair everyday. I do not let him very often…but I did on this particular Saturday.

Although Zane is getting older - he still wants his cuddles every day!

Zane loves basketball! This was his team this past winter. 
He is on a different team now - but still having fun and learning lots.

For Zane’s birthday he wanted to invite his 3 besties to play at SkyZone.
They had a blast!

Left: Zane first day of Kinder
Right: Zane (almost) last day of Kinder
And the glasses… his blue ones broke. We replaced them with a new green pair (different style) and he did not like wearing them - at all. He has since outgrown them and we are looking to buy him another new pair (same style as blue) in red. I hope he will start to wear them, again. 

He has grown a lot this year.
He did excellent in school but his most favorite thing is playing with friends.

1 comment:

  1. It really is crazy to see how he has grown. He is coming into his own! I miss that we only see you guys once a year - so I am going to have to work on upping it to at least twice! - Jessica
