Monday, June 29, 2020


Well, it happened.
I turned 39.
Not sure I wanted to....but I did. 
Good thing I have a great family to get me through this birthday!

Let's start with Friday night - Slumber Party!
Jaxen, Zane and I made ourselves comfy downstairs and watched a movie before falling asleep.
After I took this pic, I moved Jaxen actually on the bed - haha!
This was not my idea - 
but I love making these memories and spending this one-on-one time with the boys...
and we had fun!

Saturday morning my boys serenaded me with "Happy Birthday" and gave me my present.
They did not even wait for Nik...they were too excited!
I mentioned to Jaxen that I wanted a new summery-smelling candle for my birthday.
The boys delivered!
They purchased me a candle from Tyler Candle Company (my favorite) and the scent is Limelight.
It is a perfect summery-scent!
An invitingly clean, fresh infusion of pure mandarin oranges with a shocking touch of lime as a top note. A slight undertone of rich vanilla bean oil gives this scent a unique twist.

I actually did a lot of laundry and picking up the house Saturday morning, 
with a little baking thrown in for good measure.
We bought a rug finally for our Living Room and I had to get things cleaned up 
so I could see how it looked - I think I like it!
(Will post about the rug later). 

I even had some neighbors stop and tell me happy birthday while I was 
outside some with the kids that morning :)

I baked some Pecan Lace Cookies for me - as my birthday dessert and they were delicious!
I will definitely make them again!
I also made a pan of brownies....partly because I was not sure if my family would like my cookies, and mostly so my family did not eat all my dessert :)

That afternoon we hired a babysitter so Nik and I could have an afternoon together. 
We ordered lunch to-go and ate while I opened my birthday cards from 
friends and family!

Next, we went shopping.
I needed some new clothes and Nik told me he wanted to take me for my birthday.
It was so nice to have 4 uninterrupted hours eating and shopping with Nik - such a treat!

That evening, Nik grilled dinner and we had a wonderful relaxing evening together.
No pictures - not sure why...
I guess I did not want to document my 39th!

Thank you to all who reached out to me on my birthday - it was a very nice, fun day!

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