Tuesday, June 30, 2020


I have still been trying to save any funny meme's that I see...but I'm not seeing too many anymore.
I think it's because everything that has happened in 2020 is no longer funny, right? Maybe?

Anyway - here are a few that will hopefully put a smile on your face :)







My favorite....

Monday, June 29, 2020


Well, it happened.
I turned 39.
Not sure I wanted to....but I did. 
Good thing I have a great family to get me through this birthday!

Let's start with Friday night - Slumber Party!
Jaxen, Zane and I made ourselves comfy downstairs and watched a movie before falling asleep.
After I took this pic, I moved Jaxen actually on the bed - haha!
This was not my idea - 
but I love making these memories and spending this one-on-one time with the boys...
and we had fun!

Saturday morning my boys serenaded me with "Happy Birthday" and gave me my present.
They did not even wait for Nik...they were too excited!
I mentioned to Jaxen that I wanted a new summery-smelling candle for my birthday.
The boys delivered!
They purchased me a candle from Tyler Candle Company (my favorite) and the scent is Limelight.
It is a perfect summery-scent!
An invitingly clean, fresh infusion of pure mandarin oranges with a shocking touch of lime as a top note. A slight undertone of rich vanilla bean oil gives this scent a unique twist.

I actually did a lot of laundry and picking up the house Saturday morning, 
with a little baking thrown in for good measure.
We bought a rug finally for our Living Room and I had to get things cleaned up 
so I could see how it looked - I think I like it!
(Will post about the rug later). 

I even had some neighbors stop and tell me happy birthday while I was 
outside some with the kids that morning :)

I baked some Pecan Lace Cookies for me - as my birthday dessert and they were delicious!
I will definitely make them again!
I also made a pan of brownies....partly because I was not sure if my family would like my cookies, and mostly so my family did not eat all my dessert :)

That afternoon we hired a babysitter so Nik and I could have an afternoon together. 
We ordered lunch to-go and ate while I opened my birthday cards from 
friends and family!

Next, we went shopping.
I needed some new clothes and Nik told me he wanted to take me for my birthday.
It was so nice to have 4 uninterrupted hours eating and shopping with Nik - such a treat!

That evening, Nik grilled dinner and we had a wonderful relaxing evening together.
No pictures - not sure why...
I guess I did not want to document my 39th!

Thank you to all who reached out to me on my birthday - it was a very nice, fun day!

Friday, June 26, 2020

Summer Fun List

Summer is well underway and for us (and probably you) it just appeared.
There was nothing significant that happened to help usher us into this time of year - it just was.
And that's okay.
However, you know I like a good "season-list" of things to do -
so I decided to do one, with what's left of summer!
The boys and I had a quick conversation and although there were answers like "play with dinosaurs" and "play video games" - we did come up with a nice short list.


Water Park
Splash Pad
Road Trip
Blueberry Picking*
*Jaxen made sure to tell me he only wanted him and I to go...no friends, and no Zane. 

I'll be sure to keep you posted!


Before I had a chance to post the above, we marked a few things off our list!

Jaxen has been begging to have a campfire the last few weeks.
But it has just been too hot!
Until last Friday.
Well, it was still hot, but it was the coolest night we had in awhile,
and according to the weather, will have for awhile.
So I gave in, and we had a campfire with some neighbor friends!

Splash Pad
I took the boys to a Splash Pad on Father's Day so Nik could take a little nap.
I thought it was fun.
Zane had a BLAST - but Jaxen got a little bored after awhile.

I have at least one more on my list to try out this summer
(and maybe I'll take a friend with us for Jaxen)!

The progression of a water slide:
1) fill bucket with water 2) climb to top of slide 3) pour water down slide
4) hurry down while water is still on slide

Jaxen did find a "secret" spot in the trees near the splash pad - so that was fun for him!

Stay tuned for more summer adventures!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Zane's 4 Year Well Check

Zane's 4-year well-check appointment happened a bit late this year... you know...COVID.
He was finally able to get in last week.
He had to wear a mask, and I think he looks adorable...you can still tell he is smiling!

Zane is 41 1/2" tall (67%) and weight 38 lbs (61%)

He passed almost everything with flying colors.
The doctor wants us to schedule an appointment with an optometrist
because he failed his eye exam.

We will make the appointment soon and keep you updated on that.
But we have a healthy, happy little boy!

Sunday, I dressed Zane for church and instantly had a flashback....

to when Jaxen was 4 and starting pre-k!

Oh my...
and look at little baby Zane on the day the picture of Jaxen was taken!

The days are long but the years are short.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Life Lately

 I feel like a lot has been going on lately, and at the same time, our days are all the same!
Anyone else?!

We did celebrate Nik this past weekend!
If you have ever seen my boys around Nik for long - you know they adore him.
And he adores them.
He spoils them (sometimes too much), loves to wrestle with them, 
and aggravate them (like I hear so many stories of how his Grandpa Teeter did the same).
He can kiss a boo-boo, wipe tears, throw a football, have races, 
clean up messes and have dance party with the best of them. 
And I am grateful for him!

We have also been spending time with some of our favorites!
Rusty and Diane have visited us and we all had the best time with them.
They make us smile :)

Our church has also starting meeting in-person again!
They are holding outdoor services for a few weeks and it was nice to attend.

The kiddos are living their best summer life...
friends, sprinklers, popcicles, and lots of sun.
This was how my lunch hour was spent yesterday...

And that's a little life lately!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Road Trip

Two weekends ago, we loaded up the car at 5:30am and hit the road....
to Texarkana!

The red blanket in the back is Nik. 
We left after he got off work, so he was really tired.
Thankful to have this wonderful van where the boys can watch movies and Nik can sleep!

We made a coffee stop for Nik somewhere in Arkansas 
and I decided to take the boys for a walk while Nik was getting his coffee.
About 1.5 minutes into the walk the shirts came off because they were hot - ha!
And about 2.5 minutes into the walk, Jaxen somehow fell and re-opened a big scab on his knee.
It was bleeding pretty bad - so I made him sit on the sidewalk while Zane and I 
tried to find an open shop that had some papertowels so we could stop the bleeding.
After 3 tries, we found one!
We were all sitting on the grass, trying to clean Jaxen up and stop the bleeding
when a very sweet woman pulled in next to us, asking if we needed help. 
So nice!
Nik was not far down the road, so once he got his coffee he drove to pick us up.
(Not the nice little walk I imagined).

We made it to Texarkana with no more "incidents".
And we had the best, most relaxing time there!
It was nice to visit and hang out with family -
plus...we got to take naps, sleep in a bit and really relax....which was so needed!

A few highlights:
Skate Park / Playground / Trails

Pool Time
We brought our little pool and kids had so much fun in it!

We also have a new favorite family game...Cornhole!
Everyone had fun playing!

Jaxen and I like to play cards in our down time.
We set up a little table outside one morning while Zane was in the pool
and we played Uno and Skipbo.

Kay and Anna also like to play cards! I enjoyed our time doing that.

Bike Riding

One morning we took the kids to a church parking lot so they could ride their bikes.
Guess what happened...
Zane rode without training wheels!!!!
He has a hard time starting by himself, because the bike is a little tall,
but once you help him go - he does great!

Jaxen also had a surprise -
(back story)
Jaxen received a new bike for his birthday...well, after a few days, it was stolen :(
His older cousin, Caleb, had an old bike that he gave Jaxen and it is perfect!
Jaxen was thrilled and so happy to have a bike again!

The best pics though?
Are of Nik trying the bike out to get the gears right :)

The best part - was time with family :)

Can you tell these two are brothers? They are eating their Oreo's the exact same way...
milk in a cup, using a fork to dip them before eating.

Jaxen and Zane have 2 older cousins they adore...
but Kyleigh is right in-between them in age.
And they love playing (and being silly) together!

Papaw Russell's truck is always a favorite!

Love you guys!