Two weekends ago, we loaded up the car at 5:30am and hit the road....
to Texarkana!
The red blanket in the back is Nik.
We left after he got off work, so he was really tired.
Thankful to have this wonderful van where the boys can watch movies and Nik can sleep!
We made a coffee stop for Nik somewhere in Arkansas
and I decided to take the boys for a walk while Nik was getting his coffee.
About 1.5 minutes into the walk the shirts came off because they were hot - ha!
And about 2.5 minutes into the walk, Jaxen somehow fell and re-opened a big scab on his knee.
It was bleeding pretty bad - so I made him sit on the sidewalk while Zane and I
tried to find an open shop that had some papertowels so we could stop the bleeding.
After 3 tries, we found one!
We were all sitting on the grass, trying to clean Jaxen up and stop the bleeding
when a very sweet woman pulled in next to us, asking if we needed help.
So nice!
Nik was not far down the road, so once he got his coffee he drove to pick us up.
(Not the nice little walk I imagined).
We made it to Texarkana with no more "incidents".
And we had the best, most relaxing time there!
It was nice to visit and hang out with family -
plus...we got to take naps, sleep in a bit and really relax....which was so needed!
A few highlights:
Skate Park / Playground / Trails
Pool Time
We brought our little pool and kids had so much fun in it!

We also have a new favorite family game...Cornhole!
Everyone had fun playing!
Jaxen and I like to play cards in our down time.
We set up a little table outside one morning while Zane was in the pool
and we played Uno and Skipbo.
Kay and Anna also like to play cards! I enjoyed our time doing that.
Bike Riding
One morning we took the kids to a church parking lot so they could ride their bikes.
Guess what happened...
Zane rode without training wheels!!!!
He has a hard time starting by himself, because the bike is a little tall,
but once you help him go - he does great!
Jaxen also had a surprise -
(back story)
Jaxen received a new bike for his birthday...well, after a few days, it was stolen :(
His older cousin, Caleb, had an old bike that he gave Jaxen and it is perfect!
Jaxen was thrilled and so happy to have a bike again!
The best pics though?
Are of Nik trying the bike out to get the gears right :)
The best part - was time with family :)
Can you tell these two are brothers? They are eating their Oreo's the exact same way...
milk in a cup, using a fork to dip them before eating.
Jaxen and Zane have 2 older cousins they adore...
but Kyleigh is right in-between them in age.
And they love playing (and being silly) together!
Papaw Russell's truck is always a favorite!
Love you guys!