Thursday, May 21, 2020

Life Lately

Here is a little of our life lately for you….

The boys are having a blast playing with friends again (outside)…
and their trampolines…and their dogs…
and sprinklers…. and popsicles...

…and dead snakes.

This Monday, I had Jaxen do school work and then on Tuesday I forgot. 
I did remember to take him to his school to pick up his personal belongings.
In with all his school papers and supplies was a certificate for “Biggest Imagination”!
Wednesday - I was not feeling school and was busy with work, so at lunch time I announced
“School’s over! You are now a 3rd grader!!!!”
He jumped up and down and hollered in excitement for a minute and then that was that.
Moving on. 
Good-bye 2nd grade.

 You know what the good news is around here?!
QT now serves tea!
When everything shut down, QT (our favorite gas station) quit serving 
tea, and eventually slushes and sodas.
Well - the TEA IS BACK!
Nik and I are both so happy.
We love their tea.

We received a (new to us) dresser from a neighbor that was moving so I 
re-arranged the boys room to make room for it.
(Jaxen really needed a dresser - and this one is big enough they can share)
When re-arranging their room, I made Jaxen a little private space at his request and
then decided to create Zane a private space too (yes, in the closet). 
I should have taken pictures during the day - but when I went in to check
on them before I went to bed they were too cute not to photograph :)
(The flash went off so the pictures are really bright)

In case you are wondering,
yes Zane still wonders into our room at night and sleeps with me.
Sometimes he sleeps in his bed sometimes he sleeps on his cot, or in the floor.
Sometimes he sleeps in undies, other nights he pulls down shirts from the closet and puts
on multiples ones and sometimes he puts on a dinosaur or spiderman costume.
You never know what you will find with Zane in the middle of the night.
Or anytime….really.
He went through (at least) four outfits yesterday.
I don’t even know when he changes clothes…he just all of a sudden shows up and 
you realize he is dressed totally different!

One of the (at least) four looks from yesterday….

 Well, that’s a little peak into our life lately!

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