Wednesday, September 18, 2019

All about Jaxen

The day before Zane started pre-school, Jaxen started 2nd grade! 
I don’t know that he was “excited” to go back to school…but he is having a good time. 
Especially at recess. 

What Jaxen does love more than school, is the neighborhood friends!
Everyday he asks if can play with one or more of the kids who live in our neighborhood.

His also loves to ride his bike!

He is ready, just as I am, to have more campfires! 
We had a blast at the one and only campfire we had this summer. 
Lots of neighbors came over and all the kids had the best time hanging out together until after dark :)

This is how Nik found Jaxen sleeping one night...

Jaxen loved the parade we went to, 2 weekends ago with some of my co-workers.

Jaxen is holding steady this year, rooting for the Cowboys.
He even made a sign.
He has yet to watch a game (always too busy playing with friends) but always asks 
how they played and if they scored a touchdown. Ha!

The one thing we have struggled with since the beginning of August is some random swelling and hives that appear in different places on his body.
It is so weird, and random, and shows up in the weirdest places…
hands, feet, thighs, lips….

We have been to his primary care doctor and she ran some tests and blood work.
What she can figure out is that he is allergic to trees and mold.
She told us to put him on daily allergy medicine and it has helped some.
I forgot to give it to him 1 night and by the next afternoon, he was swelling in two different places.

Our primary doctor recommended we make an appointment with an allergist.
We did, and went yesterday.

The Allergist was not concerned about his allergies to trees and mold.
That was not the reason for the hives and swelling.
Although he said it is near impossible to pin point exactly what it is,
he is pretty sure it is directly related to the sores Jaxen gets on his legs.
He is bad about picking them, and they get infected very easily.

The Allergist thinks the infections (although probably minor)
is feeding the random hives and swelling.
He put us on a course of treatment:
Zyrtec every day
Pepcid Complete (an antihistamine and H2 blocker) every day
Hibiclens Soap (cleans the skin and fights bacteria) every shower
Muprocin (antibiotic ointment) on his sores 3 times a day
I think that’s it!

After 7 days of no swelling, rashes or hives we will go off the Pepcid Complete.
After 7 more days we will stop the Zyrtec.
We go for a follow-up in 4 weeks.

At his appointment we learned Jaxen weights 56.4 pounds and is 49 1/2” tall.
A growing boy!

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