Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Toddler Bed Transition

A Jaxen Update:
Well, we went to the doctor on Thursday and all their testing came back normal
(urine, blood, strep…etc).
The doctor recommended a few different things to start trying for
Jaxen’s constant headaches and stomaches.

Then Saturday (after basketball) and while we were at IKEA (Jaxen, in the Playland)
the doctor called me to tell me that he was positive for strep!
I think I actually laughed out loud…and told her
we infected his school, the basketball area and now IKEA.

So - we went home.
And are waiting on the prescription to be called in.
Hopefully he will be back to himself soon.

The Toddler Bed Transition

I mentioned in the last post that we would probably make the toddler-bed transition soon.
Well, we did it Thursday night!

And it was only after I was watching this happen in the monitor:

Look closely.
That is Zane, crawling out of his crib.

Nik has been letting Zane nap in Jaxen’s bed during the day.
Zane loves it and naps well there…so why not, right?
Except now he wants to sleep there at night too.

So Thursday I had Nik take off one side of Zane’s crib
and make it a toddler-bed.

Here is what it looks like:

Those pictures were after 2 hours of him getting up, out of his bed,
and playing with all the toys in the room (and putting most of them in his bed with him)!

2 hours of constant in-and-out of bed.
Only to finally fall asleep and wake again at 11:30pm and be awake for another
2 hours doing the same thing.

I about lost my mind.

I know that it is new freedom and all…but seriously,
I do not do well with lack of sleep.

Friday night came…came story.
2 hours to go to sleep and then he woke up around midnight and 
was still awake 3 hours later, when Nik came home from work.
I went to sleep and let Nik take over from there.

Saturday night was better initially
(oh, and I moved the shelf away from Zane’s bed…now there are no
toys within arms reach - that toy mess was bothering me just as much as the not sleeping!).

However, he woke up at 3:30am.
It is now 5:09am and I am blogging / putting Zane back in his bed every time he gets out.

A few things:

We have a baby gate on his door.
That way, if he gets out of bed and we don’t know it…
he cannot wonder around the apartment.

Yes, he has tried to climb in bed with Jaxen.
Thankfully, he does not wake Jaxen. Jaxen sleeps like a brick! 

I know this will take time, to train him to sleep in his new bed.
I’m just so tired. 

But I hope to report in a few days that he is going to sleep, and sleeping through the night!

When he does sleep, he is so sweet :)

I think he is finally asleep again.
So I’m going back to bed too.

If this post doesn’t make sense or has lot of errors…
remember I typed it at 5am!

The good news to him being awake in the middle of the night?
You get a blog post :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Weekend Recap

Jaxen’s fever broke Saturday night and we have been fever-free since then!
However, he still says he does not feel well, so I will be taking him to the doctor soon to see
if there is something going on. 

But here’s a few pictures of our weekend...

Friday morning, as I was trying to get out the door for work, I find Zane like this:

Fully dressed, and in the bathtub, playing!
The bad news, though, is that there was water still in all the toys from his bath the night before.
Meaning, he was soaked. And cold.
So - I undressed him and plopped him back in the tub,
full of warm water!

I then texted work and told them I would be late coming in…
there were a few other instances that morning (can’t remember now what)…
but some things that made the morning very chaotic.
I figured I just needed to hang around a help out a bit.

The nice thing, is that I just dropped Jaxen off at school on my way to work!
I enjoyed that time with him :)

Friday night is when Jaxen got sick,
so we hung at the apartment all weekend and it looked a lot like this:

Nerf Guns.

After a few minutes, Jaxen would run out of energy and then lay and rest.

Then it was back to Nerf Guns.

And can we just take note of Zane’s bed-head-hair sticking straight up!?
Too funny!

We did a few Valentine’s Day crafts on Sunday
and our dining room is all ready for a Valentine’s celebration!

The biggest news of all this past weekend,
is that Nik got a job!

We just recently started talking about him going work.
We knew he needed/wanted a job where he could still be home with the boys during the day, so…

He will be working at UPS in the middle of the night.
He is still in the “training” part of it - but we are excited!

Actually, we are tired. Haha!
We are trying to figure out our new schedule….and when Nik can sleep!
Right now, he is basically taking 3 “naps” a day. 
It will take a bit for him to adjust and us to figure things out.
But we are happy about the job!

It will be good for him, and it will be good to have a bit more income coming in :)

I’m blogging right now, while my youngest is screaming his head off (and Nik is napping).
He is mad that he cannot sleep in the “big boy” bed with Jaxen.
He has been taking naps in Jaxen’s bed during the day,
and he really wants to sleep in his bed at night, too.

We tried it for a few minutes tonight (at Jaxen’s request) for them to sleep together.
That didn’t last long. The twin bed is not big enough for them both.
So now Zane is very unhappy.

I can see in our very-near-future, making the crib a “toddler” bed.
Wish us luck when that happens - haha!

Saturday, January 20, 2018


So far the past few months we have been lucky to miss out on all the sickness going around. Well, that ended yesterday!

Last night at dinner Jaxen kept saying his tummy hurt and he didn’t feel well. And as we were eating I could see him going down hill. At one point, I told him he had to eat his food or he does not get a treat after dinner. His reply was “I’m not going to have a treat. When you are sick you don’t get a treat. That will make you feel worse.” Well…I was convinced he was not feeling well after that - haha!

Later that night he was running a very low fever. Through the night it broke but came back a bit higher this morning. He was in my bed at 4:45am. And what is the deal? When Jaxen has a fever, he is not tired, he is wide-awake, and wanting to talk my ear off. I thought kids were supposed to be sleepy when they ran fever…?

Oh well. Currently he is laying in my bed enjoying some Netflix. Nik is sleeping on the couch and Zane finally fell back asleep after being up for about 30 minutes screaming his head off. I’m not convinced that Zane is not sick. It’s just harder for him to communicate that.

So we will not go to basketball today - and see what the day holds.

I’m thinking I will go pick up some Valentine Crafts to work on and I know Nik needs to do a bit of work on one of our cars. Exciting Saturday, huh?!

Nevermind about Zane. He is awake again.


On another note…Nik left me home with the boys one night this week while he ran errands. And Jaxen, Zane and I had the best time….rearranging their room! Jaxen loves moving things around and he helped me figure out a new place for his bed. It has been really cold here and the windows in our apartment are not the best…I was worried about him, sleeping with his head being next too the very cold window. So we switched it up!

The beds are now on the left side of the room.

Here is the right side.

It is so funny to me how much Jaxen is enjoying playing in his “new” room!
It’s like a whole new world.

It was really fun for Jaxen to have input on his room and to think
through things. This is just the beginning…I’m sure it won’t always be fun!

Hope you all have a good, sick-free weekend!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Sunday we woke up to a little bit of snow!
On our way out the door to church Jaxen kept (excitedly) yelling 
“It’s a white winter! It’s Kansas’ first white winter!” over and over. 
He was excited! 
So after church, we all went out to play in it for a bit.

Zane, of course, would not wear gloves.
Typical Davis-child. 
Remember that Jaxen would not wear gloves until last year…finally?!

So, yes, my kid is out there without gloves.
Don’t worry - he was back in the house after about 10 minutes.

But in those 10 minutes - he had a blast!
I don’t think he liked the snow…I think he just enjoyed running around
like a crazy person (imitating his brother)!

Jaxen, Nik and I enjoyed throwing snowballs at each other.

This next picture made me laugh…
I was trying to take a picture of Jaxen and he is yelling instructions at Nik.
Always the boss.

Our fun in the snow was quick lived…it was cold!
And the next two days (Monday and today)
the boys stayed bundled up inside!

This was the temps on Sunday….

And this was today when I woke up…


But I like winter and I’m enjoying it because I know it will
be gone soon and it will get too hot this summer!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Life Lately - Catching Up Finally Edition

Here’s some more random pictures that show you a little of our life lately :)

Jaxen had really bad allergies one day
and his eyes got super puffy and swelled up.
You know me - I took a pic (for documentation) gave medicine and kept an eye on him.
All was well a few hours later.

January 5th was Nik’s birthday!
He decided he wanted to go to a really fun Greek Restaurant in town for dinner.
I tried and tried to get a babysitter - no go.
So we made it a family dinner with Rusty and Diane,
and had a great time!
The kids are always a bit crazy…but this place had such a fun atmosphere
that it didn’t matter too much :)
They had live music, dancing, breaking plates and even some “opea!”
I only took one picture. 
It was before we left, of Nik and I.
I should have taken more of the fun night…but we were just enjoying the moments!
I actually took off that afternoon to spend time with Nik on his birthday
and I asked him what he wanted to do…
his response…
take a nap (in true stay-at-home-dad fashion)!
So he napped.
I got to play with Zane and pick Jaxen up from school - win for me!
For some reason, the background turned really white on this pic.

This boy is so stinkin’ cute.
Especially in overalls. And a hat.

This past Thursday we had the day off from school and work!
It was “freezing rain” and very low temps.
Not a single one of us complained about a lazy day :)

We did lots of artwork that day...

and hung all our art up on our dining room wall.

We also added snowflakes in the boys room and now Jaxen thinks it is the “Arctic”!
Which, it is the coldest room in the apartment.

That afternoon Nik and Jaxen made homemade chocolate chip cookies together :)

Jaxen even got to crack the eggs! 
Something we have been working on for awhile…and he did excellent!

Saturday was basketball day!!!
And it was almost as fun to watch as the first game.
Jaxen is #1 - white.

He still got pretty tired toward the end, was a little spacey and 
kept playing with his shorts on the court - but he had so much fun!

And he ran his little heart out!
Afterward, he told me all that running made him so sweaty - haha!

One of my friends, Becky, came to his game.
Afterward we went out to lunch and hung out for awhile.
We had the best time! It is always fun hanging out with my people :)

Jaxen came out this afternoon looking like this….
undies on his head, coat hangers in his pocket (they were his guns) and 
all his clean undies in his pants (they were his bullets).
This kid! Haha!

Zane was just having a great time playing with his toys
while all that was going on!

And that’s a little bit of life lately!