Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Day In The Life…Almost

Remember way back when, when I used to do “A Day in the Life” posts? I love looking back on those posts to see what our days looked like, and it was always fun to document our day. So I decided I would do one again. But it feel flat! Haha!

I started out strong, documenting our day. I wrote down what happened between 2:30am until 3:45am (took Jaxen potty, changed Zane’s diaper, got Zane some milk, put cream over a bite on Jaxen’s foot…).

I took a picture of my breakfast (and quiet time and school paperwork)...

and me all ready for work….

I even took a picture of a bandaid on the back button of my jeans (I have a bad rash on my stomach and I’m trying to find the culprit - thinking it’s the button from my jeans)...

I even asked Nik to take a picture of the boys for me (Jaxen, with his tardy slip because they were late to school)….

And then…it fell flat. That’s all! So, welcome to our ‘morning’ :)

I did take a picture of last night. Jaxen and I had a little one on one time, eating ice cream. And we had a great time. We talked and worked on rhyming words.

I’m sure more happened in our day…but that’s all you get! Maybe I will try again to do a “Day in the Life” post. Maybe

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