Monday, June 12, 2017

Birthday Recap

Jaxen’s Birthday is officially over - but it was a good one!

Saturday night we had a party at our house.
And I have to tell you… Jaxen was so funny about this party.
He had specific ideas about what he wanted from his party.
And I’m happy to report…I think it turned out just the way he wanted!
He even picked out 2 different games of tag and even made
his own “name tags” for the taggers to wear.
It was pretty cute.

First thing Saturday morning, we were in the kitchen making his cake.
Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Icing.
In the middle of mixing the ingredients, he asked if we could put chocolate chips in,
and of course I said yes :)
Then, he asked if he could eat some right then…yes again! haha!

My little baker

The finished product:

After the cake was made, we moved on to the decorations:
balloons and streamers.

Inside (where we were going to open gifts)

and Outside (where we ate and played)
balloons hanging from the tree, and on the deck.

Finally, after a million questions about when his party was going to start,
and a good nap it was time to party!!!

All ready to celebrate

He had 9 friends over (plus a parent of each kid) and a few adults.
And it was a pretty fun time.
They played, ate, played tag, opened gifts, ate cake, and played more!

And I think the party was a success!
Even with out planned games (except tag) and goodie bags!

Jaxen had the best time with all his friends.

Monday (today) was his actual birthday,
and he woke up to this:

We decorated his room after he fell asleep and when he woke up he said:
“Wow. I love it!” In a very slow voice (hard to explain, but super cute).
I was actually sleeping in his room that night, 
so it was fun to be right there when he woke up!

At one point he asked “Am I 5 now?!”
And he was super excited it was actually his birthday, finally!

As requested, we picked up some chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing
and I dropped them off at school for snack time.
Then that afternoon we let him open gifts and then ate pizza for dinner.
His favorite.

This year was special because his grandma and grandpa (Nik’s parents) 
were here for his birthday, and will be here for a few months!

And I’m kicking myself now…because I did not take a single picture on his birthday.
That is very unlike me.
I’ve got to do better, huh?!

Overall - we all had a great time celebrating his birthday.
It was fun, and the time I got to spend with him planning his party - I will cherish.

He is getting big and I’m happy and proud and a bit sad.
I love him to pieces and hope year #5 is awesome for him!

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