A friend posted this on Facebook earlier this winter and it completely cracked me up!
And after the weekend we had of very cold, snowy weather - I think it applies :)
If you can’t read it - it states: Hold your ground my brothers. A day may come when we are forced to admit that we no longer possess the strength to live in Upstate New York in winter, when we forsake our friends, break all bonds of fellowship and move to the south. But it is not THIS day. THIS day we fight!
Haha! It seriously cracks me up!
It all started with a crazy snow storm Thursday night.
Friday morning I got this text from Nik with the following picture: This is about to go down!
And then Nik and Jaxen went and played in the snow!
That night - the below freezing temperatures came…along with many problems that
happen when those cold temperatures arrive. Boo.
Nik spent so much time Friday morning working on our snow blower as well
as trying to fix some issues that arose at the church.
Thankfully, all the issues we encountered were able to be fixed.
That was not the case for many that we know.
Frozen pipes, busted pipes, cars that would not start and furnaces that went out…
were problems encountered all too common this weekend.
We had to run to the store to fix some of our problems - so we bundled up real good and
headed out! Jaxen was happy because I just loaded him down with snacks for the ride!
I was the driver, Nik was the runner (in and out of places) and Jaxen ate.
Pretty good deal - Haha!
Sunday produced even colder temperatures.
Watertown was the coldest place in the lower 48 states when the temps hit 37 below zero. Yikes!

But we carried on, made it to church, and celebrated Valentine’s Day anyways!
Jaxen and I spent some time together on Saturday getting his Valentines ready to go.
It was super easy and he was happy - because he kept eating candy as we filled the bags!
I printed off these cute printable from here.
And filled baggies with Skittles.
Easy-peasy and cute!
Jaxen had the best time ever handing these out to his friends, opening and eating one himself
and telling people “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
In Sunday School, Jaxen made me a cute glitter heart to wear,
except when it came time to give it to me - he refused. He liked it and wanted to wear it!
The teachers had a few extra - so they gave me one and we both wore our glitter hearts.
The rest of the afternoon was spent napping or laying on the couch -
with cereal on the menu for dinner!
This week is “Winter Break” in the school system and we have
some fun activities planned for our week ahead.
Hope you do too!
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