Friday, November 28, 2014

Our Turkey Day in Pics!

Pictures are sometimes the best way to show our day…so here is how we spent our Thanksgiving Day!

Loaded up in the car on our way to the Wises’ home!

The minute we arrived, Jaxen found his favorite toys in the playroom
and stayed there the majority of the day!

They had really cute place settings for everyone - This is at the kid table.

This was our “big kid” table (notice that we have candy too)!

A group picture. 

A great picture of the kids, eating lunch!

After a wonderful lunch and yummy dessert - we all headed outside for some sledding and football!
This is Jaxen riding the sled for the first time.

And the football game!

 Jaxen even played (with Nik holding him)!

I finally got him to wear mittens and hat, and then he had a little fun in the dirt!

After football (and a 2nd round of dessert for some!) we watched football,
played some games, put our feet up and relaxed!

It started snowing the night before Thanksgiving and has snowed on and off for a few days now.
Thankfully, the snow didn’t really stick and so we only accumulated about 3 inches.
But it is so weird to have snow on Thanksgiving - It was our first “White Thanksgiving”!

And one we will never forget. Good times!

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