Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Monday - Our Day

Monday morning Nik left for Jr. High Camp with 11 kids. This little boy woke up in time to see daddy off and even steal his hat out of his suitcase (thinking that might make him stay!).

I tried to take a picture of my two boys…
but the sunlight was really bright in our kitchen this morning!

Nik left the house early, but they were not pulling out until later that morning, so Jaxen and I walked over to say good-bye. He wanted to be close to his daddy and hang with the big boys, sitting on the bed of the truck!

After they pulled out and after I consoled Jaxen (he was very upset that Nik left) we went on a walk through the park. I love the park and love that it is so close to the house! I had to work off some of the food I have eaten this past weekend - Ha! (I still have lots to walk off…!)

I have a new plan for the week Nik is gone. This plan does not include meal planning or grocery shopping (unless we just go get what we need for that particular meal) or cooking. We eat what is in the house…or pizza! Good plan, huh?

Also, Jaxen and I will do one fun thing away from the house each day.

And I will clean one thing each day. For example…Monday, I decided to clean my kitchen cabinets. Since the windows are open pretty much every day, they get super dusty. And since they are dark-colored you can see the dirt!

Proof - dirty cabinet.

Clean cabinet!

And I decided to use that chore as a teaching moment with Jaxen. He now knows how to spray the cleaner and wipe the cabinets. Good thing he is starting to help out around here - he makes 1/2 the messes!

After his nap, I decided to try out a new beach. It is about 35 minutes away but it is such a pretty drive. Jaxen normally loves the water and loves playing in it. Today…not so much. He walked out with me for a little bit…but then wanted to be held the whole time. He would not get down and play - weird! (And the water was not even very cold). So instead, we sat down and I gave him a Dum-Dum Sucker. He loves those things.

After the sucker, smarties, cheese-its and two cups of juice…he was much happier to be out there! He blew bubbles, played in the sand and chased seagulls!

After about 2 hours we headed home to eat some (kind of) real food after all that snacking. Jaxen got a short nap on the way home and then ate a great dinner. After his bath, he was in bed a little bit early.   I was tired too - so I showered and was upstairs in bed (reading for awhile) by 9pm!

And that was our Monday! I have a few other things planned for Jaxen the rest of the week. I will have to wait and see how this weather goes though…it is supposed to be cold and rainy all week!

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