A Good Fountain Coke - Most of you know my love for Coke. I don’t drink it everyday, but I would enjoy getting a good fountain Coke every few days. I have yet to find a good fountain Coke here. Seriously. It’s always something…too much carbonation or bad ice, or it’s not in a styrofoam cup, or it tastes flat….something. And yes, I am a Coke snob. I want a good, cheap fountain Coke place to go. Nothing yet. It’s been over a month.
Wearing Flip-Flops - I miss it. When I lived in Texas I owned about 3 pairs of socks. That’s it. I wore flip-flops everyday for months, and almost year-round. It is May….and today it was 40-something degrees and raining. It was cold. It was a tad warmer yesterday and so I wore flip-flips and my feet froze.
People - I miss my Texas people something fierce. Yes, I miss our families and our friends who don’t live in Texas - but I was used to not seeing them. But man, oh man….I miss my Texas people. My work people, my church people and my neighbor people. All of them. I miss. A lot. People are super great here…don’t get me wrong. But I miss the people who know me. And who get me.
Bush's - You knew that was coming, right?! Seriously, I loved that place. I miss that place. I could get good chicken, a great fountain Coke, and amazing iced tea. What more could a person ask for? Oh yeah, and it was cheap and close to my home. Man, I miss that place.
Now I’m sad…
Just Kidding. I do miss those things - but things here are going very well.
In fact, Nik and I had an opportunity to have a “Date Day” on Friday! Cool, huh? Someone offered to keep Jaxen the entire day while we hung out as a couple. I had
Our Date Day
Really, You Guys? Where's the excitement!!?!?!? Carla, you will be glad to know that I too am missing my flip flops. We went to visit Mimi and the kids in their new place on Sunday and guess what! I broke my flip flops. Don't know how, they just - broke. UGH! No, flip flops for me either.