Sunday, July 21, 2013


What a whirlwind life has been lately!

And nothing says "WHIRLWIND" than being on a youth mission trip with a 1 year old. I tell you what... Somedays I just don't know what I'm thinking!!!

Thankfully, we have some of the best teenagers and they are so kind and patient and helpful with Jaxen. They make trips like this much easier.

And it has been fun! We hit the ground running early yesterday morning planning and prepping for a  water day with a Boys Home and a Girls Home (2 different events). It all went well. Except for one minor accident Saturday morning...I had to take a teen to the Emergency Room! He fell and cut his head. Only two staples were needed and he is doing fine. Jaxen went with me and I know the Lord was watching over me because Jaxen slept the ENTIRE time we were at the hospital...and it was not a super short visit! I had no idea how I was going to contain Jaxen while trying to take care of our teen, in a hospital. I could only imagine that it would not be pleasant! Thank the Lord, though, it all worked out amazingly!

Currently, I am sitting in a hotel room while Jaxen naps. The rest of the crew is out on the streets handing out sack lunches and homemade cookies to those who are homeless or just don't have any food. I do wish I could be with our group, loving on these people, meeting a need in their life. But my job as a mom has to come first. That is the struggle I am having lately. Wanting to DO, but needing to be a MOM. I am learning.

I am anxious to hear from our 10 teens and 3 other adult sponsors how things went. What an amazing  opportunity for them to minister to others.

Tomorrow we have a free day and are going to head to the beach for some fun in the sun! We have a whole lot of activities planned for the next few days. I am looking forward to it!


Some of you have asked how I am feeling after my root canal. That's a hard question to answer. I guess I am feeling some better. My tooth does not hurt, but I am still having some pain where my infection was. I have finished my second round of antibiotics. I just don't know if it is better or not. Not a very good answer... but that's all I have!

Nik, Jaxen and I are all struggling this week with allergies. Nik has a sore throat, Jaxen has a runny nose and congestion and I have congestion and a headache. I hope we will get some relief soon.


I have taken pictures and have lots to share with you about our trip...but it will have to wait until another time.

I now have to plan a shopping list so when Jaxen wakes up we can go to the store and then fix dinner for everyone. I just wanted to hop on here, give a few updates, and say hello!

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