Saturday we met up with some of our favorite and longest friends...Chris and Kylee!
We decided to meet in the hottest town in Texas (or so it felt) on a Saturday in July. We met in a town that only Nik was vaguely familiar with, with no real plans. That is friendship right there.
The morning started with a stop at a garage sale to get breakfast tacos. It sounds funny but this lady is legit. She makes homemade tamales and salsa and goes to different garage sales selling her food. She always shows up at our church's garage sale with a trunk load of fresh, hot tamales. And they disappear. We call her the "Tamale Lady" and know that she can be found on the weekends at garage sales. I finally asked her name (and told her what we lovingly call her) at our last garage sale. We had a good visit, getting to know each other. It was then that she told me she was having her own garage sale this weekend and was going to be selling her breakfast tacos. On her homemade tortillas. (I'm finally wrapping this entirely too long of story up). So before we headed out of town we stopped by her garage sale and bought breakfast tacos and salsa. Yummy. And yes, I have a picture for those that are still reading this paragraph.

We then stopped for some morning pick-me-up drinks (coffee for Nik; tea for me) because we needed them. We are having sleeping issues with Jaxen again. Last night was no better. But we are going to power-through and work this out.
I actually feel like I did 1 year ago with him waking up (as a newborn) every 3 hours to eat. No he is not eating this time...he is waking up screaming at me and won't stop. Almost the same.
Back to the road trip.
I texted Kylee a message that said "We r on our way!!!" And then took a picture of it. Nik looked at me like I was crazy. I had taken a picture of our taco, our drink and now my phone. He asked if the whole day was going to be like this. I said probably - Remember, I have a blog!
And then I took a picture of us.
And then Jaxen. He was such a good sport to look at the camera for me. And I have to give myself props for this photo. Look how good I did, from the front seat!
Yes, that is a measuring cup in his hands. What can I say? He is entertained by almost anything!
So we finally met up with Chris and Kylee about 11am. We met at the Farmers Market because who doesn't like a good Farmers Market? They sell lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and homemade goodies like the Pecan Sticky Bun and Chocolate Whoopie Pie that Nik and I purchased. I can honestly say that I don't go to the Farmers Market for the vegetables. Funny huh, most people do! Jaxen enjoyed walking around seeing everything.
Then we drove through town to see what they had for lunch. We ended up with Barbeque. Jaxen was happy because he got to run up and down this ramp like 20 times while we decided what to get.
We had a great long lunch (it was air-conditioned so we took full advantage). We caught up on each other lives and everyone else's lives that we mutually know. We looked at pictures and just had a great time!
After lunch we needed to walk a bit. So what better place to walk than to go shopping?! Kylee is my ultimate shopping buddy anyway. So that is what we did. And we had fun.
Then we stopped for son-cones from a stand on the street. You cannot see it in the pictures, but this stand was packed with people the whole time. And now we know why. The sno cones were so good. We don't have a good sno cone place like this one in Temple. Jaxen was napping (because he did not sleep the night before) and missed out on most of the sno cone time. I did have a bit left in mine when we woke up so I fed him some. It was coconut.
We went to a really nice park with a playground after sno cones so Jaxen could run around a play. It was fun for Chris and Kylee to get to see and know Jaxen. They were both so great with him.
When we decided it was time to part ways, I asked if I could get a picture with them and Jaxen.
Great picture (above)!
Then I took this one.
He is not too sure of Chris!
And then tried to get away!
Then I decided that Kylee and I needed a picture with Jaxen.
And then Jaxen got down and ran around for awhile. Ha!
Here are the boys.
Thank you, Chris and Kylee, for meeting up with us. I enjoyed so much seeing you guys. Next time, we will have to meet in the winter, though!