Tuesday, December 18, 2012


It's Tuesday afternoon. I am home from work, and I think I'm recovered from our weekend. It was good. Busy, but fun!

Jaxen just woke up from his nap...

...and Nik and I have been playing Scrabble this afternoon. On our phones. It's lots of fun.

We have our 3rd (and last) Christmas Party to attend tonight. While we are at my party, Jaxen gets to go play at the Anthony home (my boss)...and I know he will have a blast!


This post was interrupted due to REAL LIFE. And that real life included a blow-out diaper that was so bad Jaxen got a bath! And as we proceeded to the bath, he peed all over me and himself.

But while in the bath - we had such a good time splashing and playing with new bath toys!

After bath I had to get ready for my party. Nik was not home so I brought Jaxen into my bathroom with me. He was sitting on the floor while I was getting ready. I then walked out of the room to grab my lip gloss and all of a sudden I heard screaming. Let's just say...that is not a good sound or feeling in the pit of my stomach. Apparently Jaxen wanted to follow me, but forgot he did not walk or crawl yet...he must have lost his balance and toppled over. This is what I saw (minus the smiley face):

See the big knot/bruise on his head? Yup. That was during my watch. Way to go, Carla. And if you think I'm a horrible mother for leaving my baby alone in a room...that's okay. Been there. And now I'm over it. It will probably happen again. The knot/bruise and the being left alone in a room.

Poor baby.

On to the rest of my post....now that it is past 11pm!


I baked this weekend. I made Christmas Trash (shown below), Peppermint Dipped Sugar Cookies (shown below), Spicy Crackers (shown below), Reindeer Pretzels, Mexican Corn Dip, Meatballs, Pigs in a Blanket; Sausage Balls, Peanut Butter/Hershey Cookies, Christmas Punch...and I think that's all. The Youth enjoyed the goodies on Saturday night and then my work and Nik's work have been enjoying the leftovers this week!

Jaxen, watching cartoons Saturday morning as I started my baking:

The youth group:

And to wrap this post up - here are some cute pictures I took of Jaxen today:

Working on our tummy time:

Eating Butternut Squash:

Yummy - Feed Me!

And that's a wrap!

I have a few more To-Do items on my list for tomorrow...
but I'm getting excited to wrap it all up and be on our 
way for the Christmas Holiday with our families!


  1. Wow! What a trooper! Poor baby. Poor mommy. I hate that feeling you get when that scream comes. Trust me. You will still get the same feeling 13 years later (probably forever). We could just say that a Christmas elf snuck into the bathroom and kissed him a little too hard on his head! Love you. Kiss him for me (but not hard like that elf did!)

  2. Such a happy baby all the time, that is nice. He is just so cute in all he does.
