Since working part-time, I have Mondays off - and I love it. I love a day at home, spending time with Jaxen. I always like to get some home-stuff accomplished as well... but it does not always happen! Example #1 - I was going to cook dinner. Did not happen. Example #2 - I was going to finish all the laundry. Did not happen (got about 4 out of 6 loads done). Example #3 - I was going to change the sheets on our bed and sweep/dust our bedroom. Did not happen.
But this is what our Monday did look like:
Woke up and fed Jaxen about 6:45am.
We played on the floor - practiced sitting and rolling and crawling. Not that I'm necessarily ready for all this to happen...
By 8:30am Jaxen and I were down for a nap!
I woke up from my nap around 11am - Jaxen was still sleeping! I could not believe it. I went to check on him and he was starting to stir. So he got up and ate again.
Can I just say - WOW, that nap was nice!
After I fed and changed Jaxen, I realized that was the last diaper in the house. Oops! So off to the store we had to go! I called Nik to see if he wanted to tag along with us on his lunch break and he did. So we went grocery shopping.
Jaxen likes being at the store. He looks at everything. Normally he is super smiley and happy and then goes to sleep. That was the case Monday.
After grocery shopping we went back to the house and hung out some more.
At some point in the afternoon, after Nik got home I had a "moment". A moment where I looked at our living room and was overwhelmed with stuff. I'm not really a 'stuff' kind of person. I like basics and simplistic. And our living room was not that anymore. I should have taken pictures but I didn't... I'll just try to explain... There was a baby; multiple burp rags; baby blankets; a play mat; baby toys; a swing; a bouncer; a sleeper; a bumbo plus tray; a johnny jump; a car seat;.... get the picture?
Something had to go. Had to change. And since I can't (and don't want to) get rid of the (cutest and most precious) baby - stuff had to move! Nik (oh, I'm so thankful for him and the way he puts up with my craziness) listened to my mad-talk about the need to get rid of and moving stuff around and then went into action! After just a few minutes of discussion and answering the questions "How hard would it be to move this...." "What would our living room look like if we did this..." "What does Jaxen not like to play with anymore..." my living room and sanity were back in check! We ended up just getting rid of Jaxen's swing and moving our couch against a wall. Those two small changes helped so much! Jaxen now has a ton of play space and his items are no longer taking over.
After all that, we played a couple games of ping-pong, ate dinner, visited with friends and then Jaxen went down to bed - Nik went to meet friends for yogurt and I got ready for the next day. We were all in bed and asleep by 10:30pm (which is really early for Nik)!
P.S. I voted today!
I love that nap time pose. He is so cute sleeping like that.