Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Memories 2012 - Part II

When we left Texarkana we drove to Roswell and arrived early morning, Christmas Eve. 

I'm so glad Jaxen got to spend Christmas with both our families this year!  

Christmas Morning!

Jaxen, with his stocking.

Opening presents!

He got some really fun toys this year!

And loved this 'Dance and Wiggle' Puppy!

We got to see lots of family and friends while we were there!

Jaxen and Jessica

Jaxen and Mimi

Jaxen and Brennen

Jaxen with Jennifer and Johnny

Us with Kylee and Chris

Jaxen had a great Christmas, but was so tired after all the excitement!

Thank you, Mom and Scotty for such a great Christmas. I enjoyed every single minute!

Christmas this year was so much fun with a little one. I'm not rushing it at all, but Nik and I are even more excited about Christmas when Jaxen is a bit older. We have already started talking and thinking about what kind of traditions we want to have for our family and how we want to celebrate this holiday, teaching him the true meaning of Christmas!

 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, 
so that everyone who believes in him may not 
perish but may have eternal life.
 Indeed, God did not send the Son 
into the world to condemn the world, 
but in order that the world might be saved through him." 
John 3:16-17

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Memories 2012 - Part 1

I have been on a bit of a blogging break. We traveled for Christmas and while we were gone, I decided not to spend too much time on the computer - and spend as much time as I could with our families!

This year we traveled to see both of our families for Christmas and I'm so glad we did. Jaxen had such a great 1st Christmas!

The first stop, Texarkana!

We got to hang out with Kay, Russell, Ryan, Anna, Caleb, Bella and even got a short visit in with Charles & Sharon and Melody, Joe & Heath! It was so great to see everyone. I think Jaxen had a great time seeing all his family!

Pretty much, the only pictures I took while we were there, were of us opening gifts (we celebrated Christmas a few days early).

For your viewing pleasure....

Opening Jaxens stocking.

He loved these 2 balls that he received!

Thanks for the waterfall!

He is such a big boy, opening up his own gifts!

So, is this the first step to Nascar?!

Loved the wrapping paper!

He loved all his gifts and did so good!

He was a wee bit tired after all the excitement!

Thank you, Kay and Russell! 
We had a wonderful time seeing you all and we are so glad we got to come this year for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


It's Tuesday afternoon. I am home from work, and I think I'm recovered from our weekend. It was good. Busy, but fun!

Jaxen just woke up from his nap...

...and Nik and I have been playing Scrabble this afternoon. On our phones. It's lots of fun.

We have our 3rd (and last) Christmas Party to attend tonight. While we are at my party, Jaxen gets to go play at the Anthony home (my boss)...and I know he will have a blast!


This post was interrupted due to REAL LIFE. And that real life included a blow-out diaper that was so bad Jaxen got a bath! And as we proceeded to the bath, he peed all over me and himself.

But while in the bath - we had such a good time splashing and playing with new bath toys!

After bath I had to get ready for my party. Nik was not home so I brought Jaxen into my bathroom with me. He was sitting on the floor while I was getting ready. I then walked out of the room to grab my lip gloss and all of a sudden I heard screaming. Let's just say...that is not a good sound or feeling in the pit of my stomach. Apparently Jaxen wanted to follow me, but forgot he did not walk or crawl yet...he must have lost his balance and toppled over. This is what I saw (minus the smiley face):

See the big knot/bruise on his head? Yup. That was during my watch. Way to go, Carla. And if you think I'm a horrible mother for leaving my baby alone in a room...that's okay. Been there. And now I'm over it. It will probably happen again. The knot/bruise and the being left alone in a room.

Poor baby.

On to the rest of my that it is past 11pm!


I baked this weekend. I made Christmas Trash (shown below), Peppermint Dipped Sugar Cookies (shown below), Spicy Crackers (shown below), Reindeer Pretzels, Mexican Corn Dip, Meatballs, Pigs in a Blanket; Sausage Balls, Peanut Butter/Hershey Cookies, Christmas Punch...and I think that's all. The Youth enjoyed the goodies on Saturday night and then my work and Nik's work have been enjoying the leftovers this week!

Jaxen, watching cartoons Saturday morning as I started my baking:

The youth group:

And to wrap this post up - here are some cute pictures I took of Jaxen today:

Working on our tummy time:

Eating Butternut Squash:

Yummy - Feed Me!

And that's a wrap!

I have a few more To-Do items on my list for tomorrow...
but I'm getting excited to wrap it all up and be on our 
way for the Christmas Holiday with our families!

Friday, December 14, 2012


And the countdown begins! A countdown to Christmas and time with our families, that is!

SIX DAYS and many, many things to accomplish between now and then... hosting a Youth Christmas Party, getting Jaxen 2 more shots, attending 2 work parties, The Living Christmas Tree, mailing Christmas cards, finish buying Christmas gifts, wrapping Christmas gifts, distributing gifts (to those in town), packing for our trip, cooking and baking for Youth Christmas Party, cleaning my house, and last but not least...laundry!

I'm sure there will be a few more things come up between now and then...there always are. It is very busy around here...but very good!


Nik, Jaxen and I went to a Jazz Concert last night. The concert was fablous and Jaxen did pretty well. He got a little fussy during part of the concert so I gave him a bottle. After he finished the bottle he played with it a bit. As in, kept sucking/chewing on it. I guess he got too much air in his tummy or something - because next thing we knew, he spit up. All over him, my arm, my leg, and Nik's leg. It shocked me! I am just so thankful that it did not get on the guy sitting in front of us, who was very much into this concert! Our moments these days...!

By the way - there is no Christmas Letter this year with my Christmas Card. I am bummed, but it just didn't happen. It was either scratch that off my to-do list, or send Valentine Cards with a Christmas letter. Not happening. And anyways, if you are a steady reader of the blog - you know a good overview of our past year. At least you know all the important things, like... I had a baby. And he spits up over all of us at Jazz Concerts. You know, important stuff.

And today you do not get any pictures of Jaxen. I'm a slacker. I know. But it's just not on my To-Do List!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Jaxen - 6 Months

It is 12/12/12 - and Jaxen is now 6 months old! Pretty cool, huh?

Jaxen has changed so much this last month. More so than other months, I believe!

He has tried his first foods: carrots, sweet potatoes and avocados. Next up is butternut squash.

He rolls over!

He has begun to pull up on anything - which sometimes does not work out so well. We have had a few head bumps. But he is determined to at least try to pull up on everything.

This was the month of bad nights. I know I've mentioned it. I know your probably tired of hearing about it.  But it is, what it is - and it has been a bad month in this area!

Jaxen is so vocal now. He 'talks/laughs/squeals/grunts' all the time! It is so cute! He has even started making 'da da' and 'na na' sounds. Nik thinks he is saying "daddy". But I know it is just sounds! Ha!

And he puts everything in his mouth. Everything. The other day we were sitting outside, discovering leaves. He would put one in his mouth and I would take it out. Then with the other hand, he would put one in and I would take it out. And so on... We were done discovering leaves pretty quickly! He has chewed on paper, plants, any toy...and his new favorite - is Nik's leg!

He loves bathtime, like kicking his legs and squirming when we walk near the bathroom, or he hears water running! He has done well in the bath. He loves his toys, but sometimes gets a little too carried away and dunks his head! Ha!

He also loves just the sound of running water. Yesterday, it was time for a nap and he would not give in - so I started the washing maching (with clothes in it) and stood with him by it so he could hear the water. It calmed him down! Our water bill might go up a bit...just kidding!

P.S. Happy Birthday, Scotty!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Jaxen - 6 Month Appointment

Today we went to see Dr. K for Jaxen's 6 month check-up.

He now weights 18.5 lbs and is 26 1/2 in. He ranges in the 50-75% for babies his age.

While we were waiting on the doctor, Nik and I were hard at work keeping Jaxen entertained!

Belly zerberts from Nik

Playing with toys.

Playing with the doctors equipment

The appointment went well. Jaxen is developing nicely in all areas.

There are a few things we need to work on:

  • Belly Time
  • A new feeding/sleeping schedule - Hopefully starting this new schedule will fix some of our night time issues!

Jaxen received 2 shots today, and has to go back to the doctor on Friday to get 2 more. Sad. He did so great today, though. He only cried right as they gave him the shot, but then calmed down after I held him. He normally runs a low-grade temp, so we will keep an eye on that for the next couple of days.

We don't see Dr. K again until his 9 month check-up (unless he gets sick, of course). 

It is crazy to know that Jaxen will be 6 months old in just 2 days! 

He is so amazing!