Thursday, October 6, 2011

A story of real life...

Wednesday night after work I went and got gas in my car. Because I had to do that, I would be later-than-usual getting home. I talked to Nik earlier that day and ask if he could cook dinner. All of it, by himself, and have it ready when I got home. (That way, we could eat together before he had to leave for church).

Fast forward...I walk in the house and dinner is cooked! He grilled pork chops, made some mac-n-cheese and had green beans ready. We sat down to eat and had a nice dinner together.

Fast forward....Before he walked out the door, he stopped in the kitchen to tell me bye. I was at the kitchen counter, trying to pry staples out of a frame with a kitchen knife. He look at me and stated "You know I have pliers, right?"

Whatever he said in those 6 words did me in. What I heard was "Stupid girl - why are you so impatient that you cannot go in the garage and get the right tool for the job?"

So I replied - out loud and with a tone - "Don't yell at me. Yes, of course, I know you have pliers. I'm not an idiot. I am just trying this first."

Nik very nicely stepped away from me and said "I'm going to church - see you in a little bit".

I can honestly say that I checked my attitude, apologized to my husband (over and over again), told him how great he was and then proceeded to find the right tool and did the job with no problems. Then I cleaned the whole kitchen and started a load of laundry. By that time, I was feeling better and went on to church.

Please tell me I am not the only one who snaps at thier spouse for No. Reason. At. All.?!

Why do we (assuming I'm not the only one) do that?!

Later that evening Nik wanted to play tennis - but I was really tired. I told him we could go play still, but he (in all his wisdom) told me that we better stay home, so I could get some much needed rest. And I did! I went to bed early and slept well. I am feeling a bit more rested today.

Nik - Thank you for being so loving and patient with me. Thank you for not responding to me in a mean manner when I deserve it. Thank you for showing me kindness. I am lucky to have you as my spouse and I thank God everyday!

1 comment:

  1. NO you are not the only one. I do it a lot just because I am tired or stressed.
