Friday night: Volleyball night! About once a month we get together with a group (anwhere from 8-25 people, ranging in age from 18 years - 60-ish) and play volleyball. We have so much fun on these nights! It is a good end to the work week - just hanging out, talking, laughing, sometimes eating and playing. We have made some really good friends through volleyball night and it has become one of our favorite things to do! (I tried taking some pics, but it is pretty hard to do!)
Saturday: Upward Basketball! This was week 3 and things went great. Some of the 'kinks' of a new season have been ironed out and we had a great, fun day! (Nik, below, getting ready to referee a game).
Saturday night: Cards with Friends! We taught some of our good friends, Alan and Michelle to play the card game,
Hand and Foot. This is a game I grew up playing with my family. When we lived in New Mexico, we would get together with friends and play. Once we moved to Texas we had to teach someone how to play so we were not deprived of this fantastic game! Final Score: Boys 1 game / Girls 1 game = Tied so far in 2011 (yes, we keep score - I can't even imagine playing and not keeping a tally of who wins...!)
Sunday: Sunday School and Church! Currently, in Sunday School we are going through 1st John. What an incredible book of the Bible! We have really great discussions and God is really showing me some amazing truths in His Word.
Sunday afternoon: Grocery Shopping, Laundry and cooking Sonia's Chicken Spaghetti! An afternoon filled up with all the things that make our world (week) go-round. Not necessarily the Chicken Spaghetti-part (althought it is pretty yummy) but the part of laundry and groceries!
Sunday night: Back to Church then home to eat Sonia's Yummy Chicken Spaghetti! The rest of the evening I relaxed, read a book and was in bed by 9:30pm so I could be rested for the next week!
** You might have noticed in some of the pics above that Nik shaved off the beard! I'll try to post a better pic of him later this week. He only gets
slightly annoyed when I take pics of him for my blog!