Monday, January 22, 2024

Life Lately

Well, I think the kids went to school 3 days out of 5 last week - so we are trending upward...maybe?! Although, school was cancelled today too. BUT our weather is looking so much better for the rest of the week!

If you ask the boys if they are enjoying the snow days this would be their responses: Zane "I'm sad because I miss PE" and Jaxen "This probably means they will add on days to the end of the year". LOL. I think they are both over it! 

As am I.

However, we had a normal schedule this weekend of basketball and church - so that was nice!

Both boys are having a great time playing basketball - Jaxen's team is now 2-0 and Zane's team is 3-0!

Nik is settling into his new job well and not much is going on with me...

...that sums it up!

Monday, January 15, 2024

Snowy and Cold!

I have no idea what day it is, what time it is or what I am supposed to be doing anymore!

We have had some weather around here! It dropped 6 inches of snow last week, along with some ice and then we have had temps in single digits with wind chills up to -23. Crazy. It is supposed to warm up a bit over the next few days…but we will see what the rest of winter holds for us!

My kiddos last day of school before their winter break was December 19. They went back to school January 5 but then last week only went to school 2 out of 5 days (due to weather) and they have today off due to MLK day! They are living their best lives right now and it’s going to be hard going, getting back into a routine!

Nik and I have both had a very random schedule as well - off during Christmas, back to work, remote work days, work cancelled, kids activities cancelled…even all church activities were cancelled this past weekend! We have been pretty chill…and overall it’s been nice. I think we have each gone a little stir crazy, but I’m just trying to enjoy the downtime while we have it. 

We did take the boys out to eat this weekend (really, to get us all out of the house some) and then we went shopping for Zane some pants. While we were out, Zane ran into a puppy he got to pet!

And here is the reason we went shopping for pants…

(shoveling, to try and stay ahead of the snow)

Zane has been refusing to wear pants…there is something wrong with every single pair he had. (And actually, every pair of pants he had were hand-me-downs that were kind of old anyway -ha!). So - I decided we would go to the store and let him pick out a few pair. He picked out 3!

But before the bad weather came, Nik and I got out for a date afternoon to celebrate Nik’s birthday and it was so fun! Here’s a pic of us - if you look closely, you can see it snowing!

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Christmas 2023

Christmas morning was so much fun! 

Jaxen was up super early but was so patient (watching a movie with Nik) until we finally told him he could wake Zane up. 

The boys dug into their stockings but had to go on a little scavenger hunt to find their “santa” gift :)

You can tell Zane was barely awake during stockings - haha!

We had a fun time opening presents (with very few pics taken). 

Jaxen scored a tortilla blanket, Zane received a sprinkle donut blanket, they both got Prime (hydration drinks), shoes, clothes, some toys, games and of course, electronics - along with a few other things!

We had a very relaxing day - Nik's parents were with us too (but like I said, bad at taking pics)!
Since I like to look at back at stuff like this I am going to document our menu for the day - Monkey bread and bacon for breakfast. Turkey, sweet potato casserole, fresh green beans, broccoli salad, homemade bread, deviled eggs for lunch/dinner. And guess what? No dessert! Actually we planned a dessert, but did not get it cooked that day. Instead, we had leftover goodies from the days prior (there were plenty). A few days later Nik made our Christmas dessert - triple chocolate bundt cake…delicious!

We had a great Christmas and enjoyed the extra time together with our family. Nik had the full week off in-between Christmas and New Years (for the first time since we moved to Kansas)! I was not feeling great, so I for sure relished the extra rest and relaxation. The boys also enjoyed life with no school and no structure. Throw in a few sleepovers and they were living their best life!