This kid. He is amazing and frustrating all at once!
He will tell you he loves school and has the best teacher and the best friends and the best time and you would never know that he threw a fit and told me in no uncertain terms that he was not going to school that day!
He will tell you how much he is learning and likes to learn and will read to you and answer math questions with no problem and you would never know that the last thing he wants to do on earth is homework!
That is where we are in life. Sigh.
Today I met over the phone with his teacher, his speech teacher and the principal for a parent-teacher conference. (These are normally with just the teacher - but since they were recommending that Zane "graduate" speech, there has to be others involved in that meeting).
Here is an update on Zane, as a second-grader (for the 1st quarter):
He gets to graduate speech therapy! He has been in speech therapy since kindergarten (mainly for his "R's") but there are no longer concerns with any articulation and so they are recommending that he no longer be in speech. Zane is so excited that he has worked hard and gets to graduate! His speech teacher even asked if it was okay that she get him donuts (which he requested) for graduating. Haha!
His "glows" (highlights) are: he is very good at making and helping his friends, he is confident in himself, and his smile will light up the room (and his face will tell you exactly what mood he is in)!
His "grows" (struggles) are: hand-writing, being distracted by friends, and spelling. His reading was a struggle, but has improved so much!
And guess what? When I asked his teacher if Zane was wearing his glasses - she said "No. I thought he lost them and I stopped asking because he hasn't worn them in weeks". WHAT? Are you kidding me? I assured her that Zane had a new pair and they were on his face every morning when I drop him off at school! Hahaha - he is something else, right?!

So where do we go from here...?
His teacher is going to work with Zane make a to-do list for home each night. She hopes that by having Zane tell her what he needs to work on each day, homework will not be such a struggle. And, she is including "did you wear your glasses" on that little list that he will have to check-off each night with me :) I am going to try to incorporate some kind of reward system with him as well... We all really think a good push in that direction (to work on some of these things at home) will greatly improve his "grow" areas at school. We have focused more on reading at home here lately and she commented on how much progress she has seen with reading.
We will see how it all goes. Overall - Zane is kind, caring, smart and helpful. He is amazing, and I just love him so much! We will figure out spelling, and hand writing, and math, and all the things... one day 😀