The boys were able to attend Kamp Kanakuk again this year - they were excited and thrilled to go! Sunday night before, they helped me get everything ready: backpack packed, lunches made, water in bottles and clothes laid out.
Look at what a fun welcoming they have when you drop your kid off!
Each day they focused on something different and they also download pictures to an app you can scroll through for pics of your kiddos. I did my best to find my two boys in the mix. Take a look at their week...
Day 1: Look Up! (Eternal Life)
Day 2: Stand Up! (Right/Wrong)
Day 3: Build Up! (Faithfulness)
Day 4: Speak Up! (Encouragement)
Day 5: Rise Up! (Leadership)

At the end of the week, each kid gets a certificate from their counselor. Here are the boys:
Jaxen: Is quick to greet others with a smile. He is confident in himself and his friends, which empowers them to reach their goals. Jaxen’s ambitious attitude is a great motivator to all!
Zane: Is bold and embraces who God created him to be. He is eager to participate and invites others to join in his excitement. Zane has a solid faith and a firm foundation in Christ!