Last week we headed out of town to NM!
The boys get a little stir crazy in the car so outside of Amarillo we stopped at a very nice rest area and let them play on the playground a while.
Jaxen and I loved the views!
Don't mind my sleepy, no makeup, glasses on look.
Instead, notice how sweet my oldest is being - these days are fleeting!
Have you ever driven through West Texas or New Mexico?
This picture does not do it justice - but it is one of many dust bowls we drove through.
After a 12 hour car ride, we made it!
We spent the next few days going through some of my mom, Scottys and dads things.
I found some wonderful treasures....
My dad's business caps....

My mom and dad's engagement announcement...

A scrapbook....
and fun pictures of my dad in high school!
Amongst those treasures (plus many more) there were a lot of items that were good, but not needed.
So we had a garage sale!
In-between sorting through 2 sheds, a garage and a storage unit, we had fun playing games!
It's one of our favorite things to do as a family :)

We did take some time to hang out with the boys at a nearby lake - more on that in the next post!
We arrived home late Saturday night / early Sunday morning.
This kid looks like we all felt after another long drive!
It was worth it though!
I love spending time with my mom, sister and other family members.
It's never really long enough, but I'm thankful I get to see and spend time with them when we can!