Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Quarantine - Take 5

Well, we have been at this quarantine business 45-ish days.

As of right now (and this could change anytime) I will be headed back to work at the end of May.
Missouri is lifting restrictions soon, and we are waiting to hear from the state of Kansas.

Until I know more - here are some pictures from the last few weeks...

Jaxen’s new obsession is digging holes in our backyard (where there is not grass).

Thanks to Zane’s birthday (and my sister), we received a new game that has been so fun!

Zane has been loving all the free play time at home. 
On this particular day - he was putting on a puppet show that I could watch while I worked.
The whole show was about a dinosaur eating a shark - shocker.

We made spaghetti slime one night.
The boys had fun making it and then not so much playing with it, after about 5 minutes.
I would not recommend this activity.

I have way too many funny bathroom stories from Zane. 
So when I caught him sitting on the potty doing his business - I had to take a pic.
Yes, he strips down naked to do his business.
Yes, he sits in a weird yoga pose.
And yes, sometimes he does shadow puppets in the toilet while doing his business.

Zane and his new dinosaur puppet like stopping in and saying hi to me through the day.
I normally have to feel how sharp the teeth are and then pet his head.
And then they are good to leave.

Zane loves stirring. Anything. 
Anytime I am the kitchen he wants to stir.
So I let him help with spaghetti - and he was thrilled!

Jaxen finally lost a tooth!
For many weeks now, he has had 3 teeth coming in behind his baby teeth.
It has been such a battle trying to pull these teeth. 
Finally….he lost one.
At least 2 more to go. Ugh.

We have had some awesome warm days lately!
Mixed in with some rainy and then super windy days.
But on the warm sunny days, we are outside a lot - which meant….
our first sunburn :( 
We were doing good at remembering sunscreen - until we forgot one day,
and Zane was out there all afternoon. 
My boys are for sure getting early tan lines!

And that’s your random assortment of quarantine pics from the last few weeks.

I hope to do a “Day in the Life - Quarantine Edition” post soon.
Just so I can look back on these days and remember what they were like.
Who knows, I could suppress these memories - haha!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Continuous Learning - Week 3 and 4

Have I posted the pic above yet?
I can’t remember.
Anyway - this sums up my efforts with continuous learning :)

Overall, I guess it is going ok. 
I am finding out that Jaxen knows most of what is being taught, 
so it’s more of a “review” for him.

Some days I try really hard to make a plan...
to figure out how to take what he is learning to the next step.

Some days I am looking at his school work as he is doing it and we wing it. 

Some days we skip school.

Some days we do more than I planned.

Some days we do school outside.

Friday there were thunderstorms most of the day.
We skipped school work and I set up a painting area for them.
I love seeing their creativity!

 I am not sure how many weeks are left of this…
but I’m fairly certain we will be done come mid-May.

This sign is hung by the table in our kitchen:

What a good lesson for everyone, right?!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Weekend Favorite

Here is a glimpse of my favorite part of the weekend…a family hike!

The boys were fighting non-stop and we needed a change of scenery.
I quickly made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, packed pretzels 
and grabbed and drink for everyone before loading up in the van.

We ate a picnic lunch and then went exploring.
And it was the best time!
Everyone was relaxed, having fun and we all enjoyed the fresh air and different views.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Meme’s That Make Me Laugh!

Anyone need a laugh today?
I know I needed one last Friday - and the meme’s did not disappoint!

I have rounded up a few over this past week and I thought I would share them with you…
hopefully they put a smile on your face :)