This month I have had some good discussions about halloween with Jaxen.
We have come to the conclusion that halloween (for our family)
is a time where we can dress up, pretend, and have fun with friends!
I let Jaxen pick out his costume and he picked out Spiderman.
I picked a T-Rex costume for Zane.
Last week we made it to a Trunk-or-Treat and a Fall Festival at Zane’s School.
This week we went to a Festival at the local high school and went trick-or-treating with friends!
Here’s a few pictures….
Having fun with friends at a local high school festival.
Taking advantage of a picture opportunity at Zane’s school.
They had some great trunks at the Trunk-or-Treat!
I received a few pics from Zane’s teacher of his day at school.
I’m so glad I did. I was not able to take off work (busy day) and Nik is sick,
so we missed out on his festivities (parade and party).
We went trick-or-treating with friends in the neighborhood.
We only went down 2 streets - but they received plenty of candy and had fun!
Towards the end Zane was complaining that he was hungry, thirsty and tired.
It has been a fun week - but I’m glad it’s over :)
I’m ready for the slower, relaxed pace that November/Thanksgiving brings!