Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween Fun

This month I have had some good discussions about halloween with Jaxen.
We have come to the conclusion that halloween (for our family)
is a time where we can dress up, pretend, and have fun with friends!

I let Jaxen pick out his costume and he picked out Spiderman.
I picked a T-Rex costume for Zane.
They are both pretty cute!


Last week we made it to a Trunk-or-Treat and a Fall Festival at Zane’s School.
This week we went to a Festival at the local high school and went trick-or-treating with friends!
Here’s a few pictures….

Having fun with friends at a local high school festival.

Taking advantage of a picture opportunity at Zane’s school.

They had some great trunks at the Trunk-or-Treat!

I received a few pics from Zane’s teacher of his day at school.
I’m so glad I did. I was not able to take off work (busy day) and Nik is sick,
so we missed out on his festivities (parade and party).

We went trick-or-treating with friends in the neighborhood.
We only went down 2 streets - but they received plenty of candy and had fun!
Towards the end Zane was complaining that he was hungry, thirsty and tired. 

It has been a fun week - but I’m glad it’s over :)

I’m ready for the slower, relaxed pace that November/Thanksgiving brings!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Washington DC - Part I

I was able to visit Washington DC for the first time a few weeks ago!
My work held a Board Meeting there and I am in charge of the logistics of the meeting,
plus I have to take minutes during the meeting - so that allowed me the opportunity to be there :)

We landed on Wednesday night - checked into our hotel room, ate dinner and went to bed.

Thursday, however, in between meetings and setting up for our Board Meeting the next day 
my boss and I ventured out!

We basically walked around the National Mall and enjoyed all the famous sights. 

We did venture out for lunch at Tortilla Coast (which was delicious)!
As we were making our way back to the hotel we walked through the cutest little neighborhood.
Look at how tall and skinny those homes are.
I really wanted to peak inside - but I restrained :)

Friday I was busy with our Board Meeting from 7:00am - 8:00pm.
No pictures of that. Haha!

Saturday, our Board went to the Museum of the Bible.
It was wonderful!
After a few hours of exploring, Nik was able to meet up with us - just in time for lunch!

We enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Manna Cafe and toured the Museum a bit more.

He was dragging by mid-afternoon 
(working all night and then flying to DC with no rest will do that to a person)
so we went back to the Hotel.

On our way, we saw a Fire Truck pulling in to the station 
(yes, the station was under our hotel)
(no, we never heard sirens or were interrupted from it). 

All we thought about was how much Zane would have loved too see it!

Nik took a nap at the Hotel while I ventured out and went to the Holocaust Museum.

That evening we went to the Warf and had dinner.
I had a sub sandwich from a cafe and Nik enjoyed fresh seafood!

More to come from our time in DC!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Long Time

Wow - It’s been a long time since I have blogged!

Here’s a bit about why…

Our days and nights are busy keeping up with this one -
That is Zane washing dishes, with no undies on…lol!

He sure is cute though :)
He was strutting his stuff, in his pajamas, boots and backpack one evening.

 Jaxen is being creative with building his sentences. For example:
I want to break my brother in half. 

Good thing he is cute too!
This was Jaxen on Saturday afternoon - fishing at a friends birthday party. 

A few weekends ago we went to an Apple Farm to pick apples.
It was soo hot that day, but we tried to make the most of it!
A Train ride...

 Apple-picking /eating...

Kettle Corn, Cider slushes...

and cute pictures!

This past weekend it felt much more like fall!
We visited the KC Farmers Market and had a fun time looking at everything.
I tried again for the cute pumpkin picture...

Plus, Nik and I had a few days in DC that were wonderful!
We are so grateful and the boys were so happy that their Mamaw Kay and Papaw Russell 
were able to be here with them!

And that’s what we’ve been up to lately!