Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday Selfie

Remember when I used to do Sunday Selfies?
That was fun. 
Well, today we were ready for church a bit early and so I made the boys take a selfie with me!

Nik jumped in at the last minute -
I (heart) my family!

I also took a few pictures of just the boys…

This weekend was warmer than it has been (50s) so we spent a lot of time outside!
Friday night Jaxen helped me clean up our backyard some 
while we dreamed of all the things we want to do back there - 
we have great big plans…but we’ll see!

We also spent some time playing soccer. 
Just Jaxen and I played Friday night, then we all played on Saturday
and I finished out the ’tournament’ with him Sunday.

Neither of us are great at soccer - but we have fun!
One thing that did come from that, is Jaxen wants to play soccer again this year!
I kept asking him and he kept saying no…he would play next year.
Well, after playing some this weekend, he was ready to sign up.

These are my boys, outside, in 50 degrees with tank tops, short and no pants (Zane).
After I took this picture I did make Zane put on pants.
Thankfully, he had undies on :)

It was a nice, relaxing weekend -
We are all so happy spring is here!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

More Pictures

Zane was in need of new shoes - so him and his daddy went shoe shopping one day.
Zane’s world became so much happier once he saw these “PJ Mask” shoes :)
He loves them.
Dare I say more than his dino boots?
I sure hope so - because those boots need to go in the trash. 
I’m pretty sure they will be replaced for his birthday, though. 
(I love kids in rain boots)
And bonus - they light up when he walks!

So I did a thing.
I cut my hair. 
As in, I cut my hair!
I have been wanting it cut for awhile - but you know, it costs money and all.
One morning, a few weeks ago, after I got out of the shower I just started cutting.
And it’s ok.
It needs to be thinned and the long layers could be way better. 
But - it was free. 
And I can live with it!
I tried taking a picture of the front and the back (in the mirror) - this is the best I got.

Remember the “Uno Beast” story?
Well, here is Jaxen in his BEAST shirt :)
(It is hard taking picture with a 6 year old!)

We are potty training, and have been for awhile.
I’m not rushing it - just letting it be at Zane’s pace.
He does really well, overall.
He is so funny on the potty though…
the other night I caught him drinking his milk while going potty.
By the time I pulled out my phone he was done and just sitting.
But imagine his head back, chugging his sippy cup of milk, while on the potty :)

Speaking of Zane, last night he threw up 4 times.
It was so random.
And it was right after I washed his sheets and blankets (he threw up in bed). 
So then I had to strip his bed and wash them again. 
While I was stripping his bed and cleaning up the mess, he threw up in our bed. 
He did throw up once in the trash can, and then once on our bedroom floor.
And this is why we don’t have carpet :)

He seems better today - we were pretty strict on what he was eating/drinking.
Hoping it was a weird 12 hour bug or something…and that no one else gets it!

Sorry for all the potty/throw up talk!
I’ll try to do better next post. 

Monday, March 18, 2019

Spring Break

In the last week, Jaxen had Spring Break. 
He had a total of 10 days with no school (he did not have school today). 
Although we didn’t do anything “special” he had a really great week. 

There was “Park Day”, “Wizard of Oz Day”, “Baking Day”, “Craft Day” and “Game Day”. 
I have found that if you “name” a certain day - the day is automatically more fun for our kids!

Here are some pictures from their week - not in order, just random. 
And not of every day…my husband is not the best at capturing these “special” days! Ha!

Downtown KC had a free play exhibit of Wizard of Oz:

There were lots of bubble baths this week too!

Even though I had a very busy week at work, I tried to have fun in the evenings with the boys.
We made up our own basketball game one night “Tent Ball”. 

Had to find our way through the fort/maze….

And one night it was nice enough for us to walk to the park!
The boys had the best time chasing each other through the playground.

We walked with sticks and they had so much fun!

Nik took them to McDonalds, they played with play dirt, play-doh, drew, rented a movie,
had nerf gun fights, baked pizza, baked cookies, played Uno, and stayed up late on a few nights!

It was a tough week for Nik - he had the boys all day and then worked at night.
Even though it was a busy work week, I was able to go in late one day and let Nik sleep.
It helped some… although we both crashed pretty hard this weekend!

The boys are outside right now, playing in the mud.
It’s such a nice night I’m letting them make a bigger mess and stay out later than normal.

Once I finish this post they will need to come inside, though.
School tomorrow means: shower for jaxen, practice spelling words, reading,
making his lunch and getting his backpack together - back to normal life for us!

Monday, March 11, 2019

New Art

A few weekends ago, we made some new artwork for our house!

Jaxen had painted a canvas with his name on it when he was younger and
I wanted Zane to have one so we could hang them in their room.

Here is Zanes...

And here are the canvases hanging in their room!

We also did a little cut and paste…

And then I did a little artwork for our bedroom..
I painted canvases with an outline of all the states Nik an I have lived in. 
I think its a fun addition!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Weekend Highlights

Jaxen was dead-set on making dinner for everyone Friday night.
He picked his favorite…Cheese/Pepperoni Quesadilla (heated in the microwave).
Nik and I did our best to convince him to add some butter on the 
tortillas and let me “heat” them in the skillet. 
Know what his argument was?
“When you cook, you do it the way you want.
I’m cooking so I get to do it the way I want!"

In case anyone wants the recipe, it is:
Tortillas, Red Sauce, Cheese and Pepperoni.
Lightly spread the red sauce on the tortilla, add cheese, add pepperoni,
top with another tortilla, cook in the microwave for 35 seconds.

Saturday morning Jaxen finally convinced me to teach him how to play Monopoly.
(He has been asking for weeks!)
So I did.
And he won.

 Later that afternoon, he challenged Nik.
Nik won.

And I got to cuddle with this cutie.

I also made dinner, did laundry, worked on our dining room and made a chocolate cake.

Zane fought all the fires to keep us safe!

Sunday we woke up to a snow day and all the churches cancelled. 

Guess what that meant?
A fire and more monopoly.
I gave in after a few hours and landing on Boardwalk (with a hotel) twice.
Nik and Jaxen called it a tie a few hours later.

It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend!