I am trying to catch up on the blog since my break…
so now you get a blog post of complete randomness :)
Jaxen was being helpful with Zane a few mornings by talking (sweetly, not shouting)
to him when he would first wake up, and then even gave him some books!
Much sweeter than the way he was “helping” me with Zane (previously).
While we were in the middle of packing the house, Nik set up this tent in the playroom
for Jaxen - and that is where he slept for at least a week.
He thought it was so cool!
So this is what you get when your 5 year old takes your phone.
Pictures of his boo-boo’s. He had a splinter in his toe, and a scrape on his knee.
I told you…random! Haha!
Did I show this one yet before?
Not sure - but Jaxen was trying to make me laugh one day,
so he taped a leaf to his head.
It worked!
We were getting ready to go somewhere one morning, and both boys ended
up joining me in the bathroom…fixing their hair. Forever!
It was so funny to me, because I thought only girls wanted to
get ready in the bathroom with their mom.
But nope…these boys had the best time putting water in their hair, combing it
and then blow-drying it.
So much fun on the tree swing!
So this past summer Nik’s parents came up north, and stayed the summer
in a camper, in a campground, in our little town.
I realized one day I had no pictures of them with the kiddos!
And I figured out why…the first part of the summer,
every time they were with the kids, we were not!
They were our wonderful babysitters for many occasions.
I did manage to snap this picture…walking out from Sam’s Club.
Our boys really enjoyed having their Mamaw Kay and Papaw Russell around all summer!
I posted these on social media…
but seriously, they kill me.
He is so stinking cute!!!!
Part of the money I made from garage selling went to this Elmo, at another garage sale next door.
It’s huge.
But when your little one falls in love with it, it’s hard to say no.
Jaxen got a new race car track and Zane got Elmo.
So I have been snacking on a lot of Nutella lately.
I blame it on Kay! Haha!
She left a jar at my house…the rest is history.
Anyway…Jaxen has been enjoying his fair share of Nutella as well.
One afternoon, after I thought we were done with our snack of pretzels and Nutella,
I found this…
Jaxen, digging into the Nutella and licking (literally, at one point) it clean.
It made me laugh so hard!
So, if you remember, back around Mother’s Day Jaxen made me a flower pot and
then we bought some seeds for it.
Jaxen wanted Sunflower seeds.
So we started them off in the pot and then transferred it to the ground once they started growing.
Nothing really happened for a long time, so I figured I killed it.
Then one day…a little something popped out of the ground and it kept growing!
Right before we moved this beauty appeared.
And I loved it. And so did Jaxen.
Sweet sleeping boy.
How’s that for random?!