Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Zane - 15 Month Check Up

Monday the entire family loaded up and went to Zane’s 15 month well check appointment.
He is almost 16 months…but this is when his appointment was scheduled.

Current weight: 21.13 lbs.
Current height: 34.5 in.

This puts him in the 11th percentile for weight and 22nd percentile for height.
He is a little small…which is funny for how big he was when he was born…
but he is perfect!

We talked through all the normal well check stuff…
food, poop, pee, sleep, play…and all is well.

He is a happy, healthy, growing boy!

I did have concern over a few spots on his legs that were infected.
So she looked them over, recommended and antibiotic cream
and ordered us a new antibiotic to take for 10 days.
And already, after 2 doses…his legs are looking much better!

He was due for a couple of shots…but because those spots on his legs were very near
where the shots would go, we opted out of shots yesterday.
Once his legs clear up and he is healthy for awhile, I will reschedule the shots.
That made for a happy boy!

After our appointment we did a few errands, window-shopped, ate lunch
and found a school playground near where we were.
We let the boys run around and play for awhile.
And they had a good time.

And yes, Jaxen was there - but it’s honestly hard to get pictures of Jaxen at his age - ha!
Here are a few I captured.
Jaxen was having a great time having Nik ‘wind’ him up,
and then letting him ‘fly’ 

And because you know I love comparisons of my boys…here you go!
Jaxen left (15 months) / Zane right (almost 16 months)

Jaxen’s weight: 24 pounds / height: 32 inches

I think they must have changed the way they keep percentiles in the past 4 years,
because Jaxen was always 50-70 percentile on charts…
but Zane is taller than he was at that time, and only weighs 2 pounds less.

So…Zane is not really as small as I think!
However, I have met a few babies (9 months - 1 year) who are bigger than Zane!

I just love these two boys of mine!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

While Nik is Away…We Play!

This past week Nik has been gone for Sr. High Camp. He left Monday around noon. While Nik is gone, things are a bit more relaxed around the house. I try to have lots of fun, I like to wear the kids out, I don’t pick up the toys everyday, and I am bad at cooking actual “meals”.

So here is a look into our week…

Monday - we went blueberry picking! 
Well...Jaxen, Russell and I went. 
We picked almost 6 pounds I think, and had fun doing it. 
Jaxen was a big help in picking them (although he would not eat them) 
and this was Russell’s first time ever picking.

We ended the day with swimming and hot dogs!

Tuesday - we were at the beach by 12pm and stayed most of the afternoon. 
We were supposed to meet one friend there, and ended up seeing a lot of people we knew. 
Which meant, my boys had a great time!

Later we had dinner with Kay and Russell and the boys enjoyed blowing bubbles.

Wednesday - I had plans to spend the day with a friend, but that did not work out. 
So we had a relaxing day at home. 
We played a lot outside in the morning, watched a lot of tv in the afternoon and 
I got 12 small loafs of zucchini bread made (and now in the freezer).

Thursday - We spent the morning outside!

and the afternoon at a friends pool!

It was 6pm by the time we made it home and so I picked pizza up, 
we set up a towel in the living room and had a pizza picnic! 

Friday - I needed to feel like a real person so I showered, fixed my hair, 
put on a bit of make up and put on “real” clothes. 
I got the boys ready to go and we made the trek to Target. 
I had a return to make and picked up a few essentials. 
Afterward, I treated the boys to lunch at Wendy’s and then we headed home. 
They both napped in the car and it was a nice few hours out!

Later that afternoon Jaxen and I helped out at our church. 
We were hosting a food pantry for the community and had a great time working it…
through the sunshine and pouring rain!

It was a good week, overall, even with Nik being gone. 
But, I’m sure glad it’s Saturday and I’m sure glad he returns today!