Friday, October 28, 2016

Four Things

Here are four things for your Friday...

1. Jaxen had pajama day at school this week. 
When I asked him to take a picture, here is what I got...

2. Zane had his 6 month doctor visit this week.
Poor kiddo has not felt great this week…major allergy issues!
But - he is a healthy, growing boy!

He now weighs 16.13 pounds and is 26 inches long. 
(FYI Jaxen weighed 18.5 and was 26 1/2 inches at his 6 month appointment)

Even though he didn’t feel great, he was a charmer and all the nurses/doctor loved on him!

3. We are (trying to be) in recovery-mode over here.
Which means, laying on the couch in the afternoon, watching tv and eating kettle corn.
I had a sidekick...

who totally fell asleep on me!

I am getting the basics done around the house, but other than that - 
I am trying to take it easy.
I am not sleeping well at night and am just exhausted during the day.
The cough/headache/body aches I have is kicking my tail.

Last night Nik went and purchased 3 vaporizers.
Desperate?! haha!
Jaxen has had a cough and Zane has had a runny nose.
So, I guess he is not taking any chances!

4. A little bit of weather for you, from our neck of the woods.
It has been cold the last few days!

And we got a little snow!
It melted away quickly and then was followed by rain, all day long.

That’s all for now.
We could potentially have a fun-filled, busy weekend…
or we could cancel some plans and take it easy.
We’ll see.
Decisions decisions.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Life Lately

The picture above was taken sometime after midnight, and was a celebratory picture.
This is Zane…asleep…after almost 4 hours of actually going to bed.
"Zane" apparently means “the most unpredictable night sleeper ever”.

He was wide awake and playing (and being all cute) at somewhere around 11pm.

So after he finally goes to sleep - guess what? I’m awake. And sick.
I’m feeling pretty crummy and to top it off, I only slept about 2 hours last night (today, whatever).
It is 3:57am and I thought that was a perfect time to bring you a blog post :)

So here is a glimpse into our life lately….

We have an (army) crawler!
Zane can’t quite get that one leg all the way back, but he is really good at 
laying on his belly and getting wherever he needs to go!
I’ll try to get a video soon.

And he loves going grocery shopping with me.
He will sit up in the cart and not make a peep, but look around with a big smile on his face.

Night playtime with daddy.
Zane wants to join in so bad!

So after Jaxen goes to bed, Nik and Zane do a little rough-housing.

We had 2 really beautiful days last week so Zane and I went walking!
That was before the 4 solid days of rain.
And now the cold, very windy weather.
Hence, the reason I am probably sick.

This was not always a true statement in my life…
but it sure is currently.

Fall has arrived!
And it is showing off here in NY (the tree in front of my house).

I let Jaxen get in the play pen and play with Zane for awhile the other day.
And then Jaxen hit Zane in the face (on purpose) with a toy.
And then Jaxen spent a good amount of time out in the play pen, which he did not like one bit.

Cool dude.

Last Wednesday night, Zane figured out how to get to a seated position from 
laying on his belly in the crib.
So every time he would wake up, he would sit up.
He was not making any noise, but was just sitting there!
I woke up numerous times to this picture on the monitor that night,
and hardly slept myself, because I kept watching him.
I think he was just super proud of himself and was more interested in sitting up than sleeping!

I thought Jaxen looked pretty cute this particular morning...

as well as Zane.
This is the way he greets me almost every morning. 
All smiles :)

A quick Jaxen story:

Oh, but first, some background info:
All summer I tried to tell Jaxen it was not wake up time until the sun was out.
So eventually, he got in the habit of looking out his window until it was daylight
to come out of his room.

The last few mornings Jaxen has woken up and hollered at Nik or I
and when we open his door, he informs us that “Night night is taking too long!”
In his defense…the sun is not coming up until after 7am every day.
So we let him get up (as long as it’s not before 6:30am).

Jaxen is way into drawing on a white board.
Sometimes I catch him playing “teacher” to his “kids” and I think it is precious.
This was one of his latest creations…
You can see he was practicing his “J” and “4”
but his favorite thing to draw right now is a circle with a dot in the middle.
And he is particular about his dot.
I’m not even sure where this is coming from…but I saw him erase a dot a few times
before he was happy with it!

Jaxen, hugging the dinosaur at Wal-Mart after picking out his Halloween Costume.
We basically gathered all the costumes in his size and let him choose.
He chose one with a mask (of course)
and he will match every other 4 year old superhero out there…
but he is pretty cute.
Pictures to come.

And this was about 8 minutes after the picture above.
Apparently when you go to Wal-Mart after school
and pick out a halloween costume, it wears you out.

This was Zane and I at a local Volleyball game.
He loved watching all that was going on!

And that’s all I have for you now.
If I misspelled, or some thought does not make sense…
refer to paragraph #3!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Pumpkin Patch - Take 2

Here are just a few of the pictures I took of the boys with pumpkins...

So sweet, right?! Which are your favorites? I would love to hear!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pumpkin Patch - Take 1

Saturday we (as in myself, Jaxen and Zane) tackled the Pumpkin Patch!
For four hours.
I’m not sure how I kept up with a 4 year old and a 6 month old 
for four hours at the pumpkin patch, but I did. 
And I deserve a cape. 
Or chocolate :)

After checking the weather last week, I knew Saturday was going to be beautiful.
And so I decided that it was the perfect day to find a pumpkin patch.
So I asked around and decided on one that was recommended.
But Nik had a meeting out of town.
So I decided to go anyways…on my own…because we may not have a more perfect day.
And I’m so glad we did!

This place was super great...
Family friendly, nice and lots to do!

First up - the train.

Jaxen insisted on sitting in the very front car (every time he rode) 
and even waited a few rides until this seat opened up.
It was his favorite thing we did all day.  

He enjoyed this tall slide and the little play area as well.

Where’s Jaxen?
He thought it was funnier to put his head there,
instead of the three open spaces made just for that.

As much as Jaxen loves to bounce,
he was not a huge fan of this big bounce thing (no idea the name of it - ha).
There were too many kids on it, so he kept falling, 
and it was hard to get back up with everyone jumping.
There was an older boy there for awhile who 
would help him up, and that made it more fun for Jaxen.

Jaxen loved feeding the goat on the top of this structure.
You put food into a container (that you can’t see in the pic) and then
crank it up to the top (it was attached to the belt) and it would dump the food.
He thought it was so fun!
A few strangers were kind enough to let him dump their food too.

Of course, Jaxen had to sit and play on this tractor.

See that red building in the background from the pic above?
That housed lots of goodies…
and we sampled a chocolate chip cookie and cider donut. 

Yes, that is Jaxen - milking a (fake) cow!

They also had a corn maze and a hay ride that we did not do.
But we did play some mini golf!

He actually preferred rolling the ball everywhere
and especially through all the obstacles.

I had the greatest time with this little boy!
I basically let him do and run whatever/wherever he wanted.
So we hopped from one thing to the next (with a few ‘rest’ breaks in-between).

Wonder were Zane was the entire time?
Happy watching, listening, and taking the whole thing in.
Oh - and he napped for awhile.

And guess what?
Once I arrived at the pumpkin patch and realized where I was,
I texted Nik (I was only 25 minutes away from where Nik’s meeting was)
so he stopped by on his way back home!

He caught a few holes of mini golf
and one last train ride with Jaxen before we all headed home.

See what I mean about a beautiful day?!

Pumpkin Patch - Take 2 up next.
I still have to show you some of the pictures we took with the pumpkins :)