Saturday, August 29, 2015

Random Pictures For You Today

So Nik and I are on a little get-a-way this weekend (look forward to fun posts about our time away later!), 
but for now I have one last post from our time last week…

This was Jaxen and I, Tuesday morning (the day Nik’s parents left).
He slept in until almost 9 (very unusual these days) and later on took a 3 1/2 hour nap!
He was exhausted!

Jaxen asked to help me carry the grocery bag and 
insisted this was the way he was going to carry it!

I forgot to post these pictures from our time at the Farmers Market:

Jaxen talked his Mamaw Kay into buying him a big sugar cookie!

The family, walking around.

Good cookie and a great daddy!

Russell was super excited over the fresh picked sweet corn he saw everywhere.
And proceeded to come home with 4 bags (I think) of the corn!
I won’t tell you how many him and Nik both ate at dinner!

Jaxen walked out the door last week and announced “Cold” - over and over again!
So he went inside and put on a jacket. 

He finally got a haircut!
Look at the cool new chair he got to sit in!

Every time he gets a haircut I think it adds on a few years!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Alexandria Bay

Sunday we took Nik’s parents to Alexandria Bay, to see the St. Lawrence River.
We had previously asked a friend if they would take us out on their boat - and they did!

Jaxen was still taking his nap when we arrived...

Russell and Kay - all ready for a boat ride!

They decided to tour Bolt Castle (Nik went along as well).
I think they really loved it. It is a really neat place to see!

While they were at the castle, I was hanging out with these three, swimming our hearts out!

Well, Jaxen mainly played with the water guns, while everyone else swam!

That’s all the pictures I have to share with you on this particular day.
It was a beautiful day and I’m so glad we got some time on the boat!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Association Island

While Nik’s parents were visiting, we had an invite from friends to join them on Association Island for a day. And I’m so glad we went! I think we all enjoyed ourselves. It was a beautiful drive there (about 45 minutes away) and the Island itself did not disappoint! Here are some highlights:

The Blob: I don’t know if that is the correct name, but that is what I’m going to call it. It was a huge-bouncy-thing and Jaxen had the best time on it. We started out swimming at the pool, and then quickly moved on to the blob.

The View: it was beautiful! Their campsite was directly across from here and we enjoyed the view off and on all day!

The Food: food is always a highlight for me! There was yummy meat grilled, these wonderful (according to Russell) vegetable skewers and some great pasta salad (which was my favorite).

Jaxen had the best time playing with the window of their camper!

The Pedal-Cart: They rented this little cart for an hour that afternoon and everyone had so much fun riding it around!

Kayaks: I recently told Nik I wanted to kayak. I have never tried it before. Well, our friends had one with them and I decided that there was no better time to try it out!

They even had a little one that they let Jaxen try!
(James is behind him, holding it steady)

Jaxen and I both had a great time out on the water!

The Blob: we ended our time there with one more stop at the blob. Even Nik and James joined in on the fun!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Niagara Falls

Friday of last week we decided to take a trip to Niagara Falls. Nik’s parents were still here and Nik’s mom had never been. We had been before…but it was in the middle of winter so I was looking forward to seeing it again!

March 2014

We had a really nice and relaxing time walking all around, checking out the different views. It was a beautiful day there! Here are just a few pictures from our day…

Nik had to carry Jaxen around on his shoulders quite a bit (I forgot his stroller)…
until Jaxen discovered the big boulders lining most of the sidewalks (no picture). 
From then on, it was a fun challenge to walk on those boulders!

He was pretty cute reading the map and telling us where to go!

The beautiful falls!

And some family pics (recreating the pic from last winter)!

Jaxen thought he was big stuff, looking through these binocular-things.
But I don’t think he could see anything - we never put any money in! ha ha
It didn’t matter to him though!

My cutie husband. I love him so much!

And his parents…they are pretty cute too!

It was beautiful all around the falls!

I think we all could have stayed there, forever, just admiring the views…
well, except Jaxen - he could care less about the falls!

See the rainbow at the bottom?

It was a great day!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Our next door neighbors have a pool and at the beginning of summer told us we were welcome to use it anytime! Well, one evening this week I decided that Jaxen needed to get a little bit of energy out before bed and so we all went next door to watch him (and Nik) swim. 

All ready for swimming!

Jaxen discovered “flying” on this particular evening.
And loved it.

His daddy is so much fun! He sure does love him!

We also let him try out the slide for the first time.
He was a bit nervous after the first time (it was pretty fast) but quickly caught on
and was up and down that slide over and over again!

He loves swimming and had a great time. 
And I think we all enjoyed watching him have such a good time!