Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend Themes

Themes from our weekend:

Jaxen went to bed early and super easy on Friday night!!!! Thus, allowing Nik and I some time together (without a screaming baby). He was down by 8:30 PM and slept all night. Hallelujah!

Saturday afternoon I got a nap! It was very much needed and so nice. Thanks to my cutie husband for holding down the fort while I got some rest. On Saturday and Sunday night again, Jaxen went down easy and by 9 PM. I hope this pattern continues!

Jaxen, asleep on Mrs. Kris this weekend.

Friday during work hours my co-workers and I went for pedicures and lunch. Our job allows us to have  "retreat" twice a year. So nice of them. This retreat was super relaxing and fun. It is always nice to do something 'outside' of work with your co-workers. I am blessed to have this job and to have the bosses and co-workers that I have.

Saturday morning was another amazingly relaxing time. Nik and I both woke up with Jaxen at 6:30 AM for his morning feeding. After I fed Jaxen, Nik went to pick up some doughnuts and we had breakfast in bed! Which never happens. How fun! We had such a great relaxing morning just hanging out, watching TV and playing with Jaxen.

That afternoon we ran some errands. While Nik was waiting on me, him and Jaxen were having some fun with the "flying" car seat.

Today was my day off and I kept the relaxation going. Morning nap, and just lazing around the rest of the day with Jaxen. It was fun. And I am feeling much better. I did make soup and a cake for dinner tonight. Which I am ready to eat!

This year for Halloween, Jaxen is going to be a Sock Monkey! And he is sooo cute in his outfit. We dressed him up on Sunday for our church's cookout. He was the best Sock Monkey ever.

At the cookout, I tried to get some pictures of him with the fall decorations. Not happening! He just wanted to touch and grab everything. Pretty cute, but no pics with the decorations. This is the best we got.

Jaxen and his friend were crashed out after all the fun at the cookout!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


It was on my Fall Bucket List to take pictures of Jaxen with pumpkins this year. I'm hoping we do this with our family every year :).

Late Wednesday night, our neighbor came over to give us a little present she got for Jaxen. It was a pumpkin onsie with his name on it....and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I knew that was what he would wear to take pictures in.

I was planning to take pictures with him this weekend, but then I heard that a cold front was coming in. So Thursday, after I got off work, I ran home and loaded Jaxen up. Off to the Pumpkin Patch we went! I use the phrase "Pumpkin Patch" lightly. It is a field with pumpkins sitting around. But it is the best we have I go with it!

Jaxen was not in the greatest mood for pictures - but this is what we got and I think they turned out pretty cute!

Hanging out with dad...getting used to the pumpkins!

Not too thrilled...

Just chillin'.

Helping Nik pick out our pumpkin

I could not get him to look up. He was so
entranced by this new object!

He kept looking at the ground...
I guess this was new territory for him!

Trying to take a family portrait.

Jaxen looks so cute in this picture -
I was bummed that I was talking on my phone at that particular moment!

This sweet girl offered to come take our family picture for us.


(I couldn't help but use this phrase...
I saw it on a sign at our Rummage Sale and it cracked me up.
Still does...)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Future Mr. Right

Jaxen is ready for bed... So are mom and dad!
I found these pajamas in the bottom stack of his pajamas. 
This may be the only time he gets to wear them - 
they are on the verge of being too small.

But they sure are cute!
"Future Mr. Right"

We have had some bedtime issues this week.
As in, Jaxen WILL NOT go to bed - kind of issues.

We are working on it.

He has always been a good sleeper and a pretty good 
go to bed-er. But this week is another story.

Hours of crying. Bouncing. Walking. Laying. TV.
Whatever will work - which is not much.
Like I said...we are working on it.

This has been a long week for us. Gone every night. Always something going on.
I am looking forward to this weekend.
Cool weather and not much on the agenda!

I hope to get lots of rest and continue to heal.
I have mastitis (an infection in my milk ducts).
And it is not healing as fast as I prefer.
But we are powering-through!

Good night, all! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

This Weekend

The other day I told Nik "I am not very good at being a girl". This statement was made after I tried to put rollers in my hair. Let's just say that it was ugly enough you don't get 'the end result' pic! How do I not know how to put rollers in my hair? I thought all girls were genetically able to do that. Apparently not this one. Below is a pic of myself with the rollers in. I thought I would do a whole before/after blog post about these wonderful rollers I bought at the Rummage Sale for $1. Not so much. Kylee, I need a lesson!

Moving on to more exciting things...

Saturday afternoon we went to the wedding of a teen who used to be in Nik's youth group. It was a beautiful wedding and Jaxen was great all through it.

You know how when you pack a diaper bag, you always take an extra change of clothes for the baby? In my case these days, I pack 2 changes. Anyhow... on Saturday I took an extra change of clothes for me! It was one of those days. It started out at home, before the wedding. Jaxen was changed and dressed and ready to go. I was dressed and ready to go. At this point, we were a bit rushing out the door. You know where this story is going... as I started putting Jaxen in his car seat, he spit up. All down my shirt. So I did what most moms would do in this situation: I got Jaxen settled and then I wiped the spit up off my shirt and blow-dryed it. Yes I did. Does that make me gross? I just wanted to see if it would dry okay. Well, it didn't. So - wardrobe change. We were officially running late by that point. But I changed and grabed a change of clothes for myself before running out the door. I won't go into all the details of the slobber, drool, and spit up that came after that... I will just leave you with this: At one point during the reception, I had to clean myself up on the inside of my shirt. Fun.

All that does have a point I guess.

Jaxen has 2 teeth!

I know this picture is really hard to see them, but they are there! 
Pretty exciting!

Jaxen went to church today asleep and in his pajamas. With Dudley (blue dog) and Earl (stripped monkey).

Jaxen has been hanging out with me while I type this blog post. As I looked down at him a few minutes ago - this is what I saw:

So I carefully grabbed the camera took the above picture! So cute. His clothes are off because it is 90 here today. 90. Crazy.

And that's all I got for now. Hope your weekend was fun!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Toy!

We were given this new toy for Jaxen this week, and he has so much fun with it!

The blanket is there to help keep him upright.

Do you see how my house is being overtaken with baby stuff?

All smiles!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Naked Baby

I know I am biased...but I cannot get over how
cute this little boy is!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Jaxen - 4 Months & Dr. Appointment

Today, Jaxen had his 4 month check-up with Dr. K. He now weighs 15 lbs and 9 oz! He is 25 1/2 in. long. All his stats are in the 50-75% range. We have a good, growing boy on our hands!

The one concern she had was over a rash Jaxen has on his belly. She said it is a viral rash and should go away within a week. No medicine was given for the rash, but he did get a prescription medicine for the eggsema that is on his legs and arms.

He got another round of shots and did very well with them. He was pretty fussy this afternoon, but after his nap was feeling better.

We talked about starting him on solid foods. The end result from our talk was that as long as he is getting enough, I will continue to only give him breast milk until he is 6 months old (supplementing formula, when needed). We both agreed that would be best for him. Now if he gets to the point where he is hungry all the time, I will start in on solid foods.

I asked what we would start him on, and how often...etc. And we found out that she (and new studies) are now recommending that babies start on green vegetables, then fruit, then introduce rice cereal. That was news to us...we always heard that rice cereal was the first thing to be started on. The reasoning behind it is that with the growing rate of obesity, they prefer that babies start on vegetables over carbohydrates. So that's that. We still have a bit before we try it out, but we do need to start thinking in that direction.

Jaxen still sleeps through the night very well! He normally goes down for bed between 9:30 and 10pm. And sleeps until at least 6:30am. During the day he naps about 4 times, ranging from 45 minutes (afternoon/evening) to 2 hours (morning).

Jaxen basically is wearing 3-6 month clothes. He wears 6 month pajamas. He is out growing clothes by the day.

We just moved up to size 2 diapers. They fit him well.

He does not roll over yet, or crawl. Which is fine by me. But the doctor showed us a great exercise to do with him - and I think he will master the rolling over pretty soon!

Jaxen loves beat-boxing! It is too funny. Nik will beat-box with him and he just laughs. I will try to catch it on video one day. This past weekend, some of our teens were hanging around and Nik told them that. So they all started in! It was pretty cute. Jaxen actually fell asleep to it after awhile.