Friday, December 30, 2011

Pregnancy - 13 & 14 Weeks

These last two weeks I have felt really good. The tiredness feeling I had all the time, is not there anymore. Thankfully, I am getting back some of my energy! Although, I have to admit on Tuesday, December 27, I did sit on the couch for a good 80% of the day - just watching TV (not that typical of me). I did clean house a little bit. But basically, I was a hermit. And loved every second of it. I thanked Nik that night for letting me be so lazy! Ha!

I think I can now say that sweets don't make me sick anymore. At least not the 3 doughnuts I ate or the syrup that topped my waffle one morning. I am still trying to stay away from the sweets, though.

Even with all the food I ate over Christmas, I am currently down a total of 8 pounds. I'm not really sure how this is happening. I am not trying to lose weight. At all. It has got to be the lack of sweets and cokes. If only I had that kind of self-discipline the last 10 years...!

One night this past week, I could not sleep. At all. I just kept thinking of our little baby. My mind was flooded with images of our baby and how our life would look in 6 months. I can't hardly imagine it. But I am so excited.

Lots of unknowns. Hopefully, by the end of January we will know if we are having a boy or girl. We have started talking about how we want to decorate the nursery, and what kind of furniture we need to buy. Then the fun will begin!

Please pray for Nik and I as we work through all the unknowns. The peace of mind that we have through all of this, is that nothing is unknown to God! We are seeking His direction in our lives as we plan and prepare for our future family.

Well here is a pic of me, Week 14:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Memories 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas - Thank you, Davis families, for coming to see us!

Nik and I before Christmas Eve Service 

Ryan and Anna before Christmas Eve Service 

Our 'Elf'  

Nik, playing 'Santa' (passing out gifts),
wearing a flashlight as a scarf, and opening a gift 

Kay, opening a gift 

Russell, opening a gift 

The results from The-Day-After-Christmas-Shopping
(a new tree skirt, a village train, a table runner, gift bags,
tree storage, boxes, tape, plates, napkins, cups, ornament,
Toy-Maker Santa, and a new convection oven)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Rainy and Cold

I woke up this morning and immediately checked the weather (not typical - but I heard it raining last night and wanted to see what the day was going to look like). For the next two days it is supposed to be rainy and cold! The perfect weather days for staying at home, playing games, watching movies, eating and napping! Which is what we have been doing since Nik's family arrived. We also did some shopping.

We have had a nice couple of days. Today we will cook and eat our Christmas Meal (which consists of: brisket, turkey, stuffing, twice-baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, deviled eggs, rolls, fruit salad and lots of yummy baked goodies for dessert)!

Tonight we have a Christmas Eve Service at our church and then we will come home, eat leftovers and open gifts.

Oh, we also had a visit from my Mamaw. After she arrived, we took her out for mexican food and then took her to the pet store. She was purchasing a kit to keep her Hermit Crabs in. For those at Thanksgiving - Mamaw now has 2 Hermit Crabs, thanks to aunt Kay! We found what she needed to keep her Hermit Crabs in a nice living envvironment. For those who don't know my Mamaw, this is only a little crazy that she has Hermit Crabs. She has done many other crazy things in her life! And that is why we love her!

Nik and Ryan are about to go pick up donuts, kolaches and a sausage biscuit for me! Off to start my rainy and cold day....

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Break

Our Christmas break unofficially began yesterday - Nik's parents arrived to spend Christmas with us! Nik and I will still have to work some this week, but we are looking forward to the time spent with his family. Thursday is when the break officially begins (also the day his brother and wife arrive)! It will be a fun few days.

This Holiday Season has been extremely busy for us both. Or maybe it just seems that way because I still had a broken hand, was very tired from the pregnancy, put new floors in our house, had Upward basketball practices each night of two weeks....and so on and on.

Even though it has been busy, I have really tried to enjoy the moments and not take them for granted. Moments like decorating my tree and imagining this scene in a few years with Baby D; watching the Living Christmas Tree at my current church but remembering the many years of watching it every year at the church I grew up in; enjoying reading every Christmas card and letter - not taking for granted the many people in my life who I am blessed to know; recalling memories and traditions of growing up; enjoying every party I have attended...and many more moments.

I don't take these moments for granted because I know that not everyone has moments like these during this season. I know of many who are struggling this time of year. Even in our own families. Loss of loved ones, sickness, hospitals, stress...etc. The list goes on. You know the struggles....

Through the struggles I am thankful. Thankful for this life, my family and most especially thankful for the One who came to this earth as a baby in a manger. As I have been reflecting on the Christmas Story, I have learned new things, I have been humbled and most importantly I have seen how God was at work long, long ago and I can see how He is still at work today.

This Christmas season I pray that you will enjoy the moments and be thankful for the One who this holiday is about.

I hope to blog over the next few days...however if I don't, know that I am probably napping instead. Which is probably not a bad thing, and very much needed!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pregnancy - 12 Weeks & Appointment

Baby D and I have made it to 12 weeks! I had a doctor appointment Thursday. At the doctor, we were able to get another ultra sound done. It was so, so cool. We could see the spine, the hands, legs, brain, and heart. One word: MIRACLE.

All my tests from the previous appointment came back normal. (Except my iron, we have to watch). I also have to start on Calcium supplements. I need to really give up sodas (which I don't drink often), and watch the amount of fried foods that I eat (which is not much). And eat more fruits and vegetables.

Overall, the appointment was great. The baby is looking good and so am I! Very thankful that all is well. My next appointment is mid January.

Saturday morning, I was telling Nik about a dream I had and I started laughing hysterically (it was not a funny dream). Then, I started crying. It was not laugh-so-hard-you-cry, kind of cry. It was a serious cry. I sobbed for about 5 minutes and then I was over it. These hormones...!

No serious symptoms or cravings this week.

I am down 5 pounds now. Not sure how. I am beginning to grow....! But Dr. G was happy with my non-weight-gain.

This week was so busy....I just tried to keep my head above water! Looking forward to the Christmas break!

Youth Party

Wednesday night we had our Youth Christmas Party. Every year Nik puts together a Video Scavenger Hunt. The youth meet up, pick teams and then head out on their scavenger adventure.

The youth are given a time limit to complete the scavenger hunt and when they are finished everyone gathers at our house to watch the videos and eat goodies that I have baked.

I made brownies, marbeled treats (graham crackers topped with chocolate, white-chocolate and peanut butter mixed together), cake pops (they tasted good, but don't think I will ever make them again), carmel popcorn, pizza rolls, and sugar cookies. It was a yummy feast!

Our youth group is so awesome. We love each of them. They are a very special group of teens!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Broken Still & Updates

My hand is broken still. It has been 8 weeks. BUT....I can start using it! It is healed enough where the doctor told me to only wear my brace when I sleep at night. All other times it can be off. So I sit here, typing, with all 10 fingers. Well, 9 really. One finger is not yet cooperating.

I go back in 6 weeks for another x-ray. The doctor is not concerned with the slow progress. Everyone is different. I apparently am special. Let's look at my track record the past couple of years. What are the chances of a 30 year old getting Impetigo? Slim. What about a person who does not run, getting Black Toe (a runner's issue)? Slim. Which never healed correctly, and had to have toe surgery? Slim.

I'll stop there.

Other weekend updates: my dining room is finally cleaned...

I tried to make homemade ornaments. BUST. So, instead I made this...

It took maybe 4 minutes.

My tree is decorated. No picture yet.

And that's all the updates. I'm sure there is more...but too busy to post right now. I have a party at my house tonight.

Be back soon!

Monday, December 12, 2011


Happy Birthday Scotty! I hope you are feeling better and hope you have a great day! If your tired of eating cookies, tell mom to get you a yummy cake from Mama Tuckers. And if your not having a very good day, tell mom to let you win in Marbles. Because it's your birthday and it's all about you!

Wish we were there to celebrate with you! Love you!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pregnancy - Week 10 & 11

Week 10 was remodel week in the house. Good thing that I had some of my energy back! Although I was not doing much of the labor, I tried to help with clean-up a bit each night.

Week 10 I was at a net loss of 1 pound. I am trying not to gain any weight the first trimester (per doctor's request). Apparently I already have enough fluffiness on me, for me and Baby D!

Headaches. That was a major thing this week. One almost every day. Oh, and I can no longer button my jeans comfortably. I am running out of time to purchase maternity pants. Not sure why I am procrastinating so much....

I did not eat as much fruits and vegetables this week. Nik and I went to the grocery store and he wanted some cookies, which I replied "gross". Which to him meant, buy them, and for once, your wife will not eat half of them! I then decided I wanted waffles (with butter and syrup) and cheddar cheese and strawberry pop tarts for my snack! YUM!

Week 11 -

Saltines are my best friend here lately. And baked potatoes. That is what I have been eating because the queasiness had returned with a vengeance!

I also lost all my energy again this week. I am at a net loss of 4 lbs.

My co-workers and I are trying to figure out a way to make a pallet in my office for my lunch-naps. I'm seriously considering this possibility. One of my co-workers also talked to another co-worker on the phone who was not feeling good and told her to not come in the office and get Baby D sick. They are all so sweet to look out for me, and check up on me numerous times a day. I told Nik that he does not even have to worry about me while I'm at work. I have 4 mothers and numerous others there, always watching out for me!

I am really looking forward to my doctor's apt. next week. I can't wait to see how Baby has grown and how Baby is doing!

Nik has conversations each night with Baby D, telling Baby to let me get good rest, and not make me sick. It is one of the sweetest things! I am so thankful to go through this journey with Nik!

And here's a week 11 pic to end on (please excuse the crazy hair):

Friday, December 9, 2011

Our Days Lately

* Just so you know, you are all caught up on my Pregnancy Posts / Story. I'll update now, as things occur.

The hubby is sick. I went to pick up the necessities:

Day medicine, night medicine, throat candy, liquids, soup, and just because I love him - I threw in one of his favorite candies, Dark Chocolate Covered Cherries!

I washed dishes for the first time this week! I am typing with 7 fingers, and making less mistakes each day! I can also brush my teeth and buckle my seat belt with my right hand! Yes. I am celebrating all these victories! (I go to the doctor Tuesday to x-ray my hand again).

My Christmas Tree looks like this:

and has looked like that for a week now. I am pondering putting the rest up and then just getting a big red bow to put on the top...who needs lights anyways...!

My dining room has looked like this (or worse) since Thanksgiving:

It has to get cleaned up eventually...!

I cry at songs on the radio. Christmas songs, mainly, but not limited to.

What is a good word for the lessons I am learning here lately? Here's a summary:
  • It's okay to take a nap when I'm tired, instead of cleaning my house. Keeping me and Baby D healthy is more important.
  • I can still enjoy this Christmas season without my house being totally decorated. It's not about the decorations.
  • It's okay that I forgot to get an ornament for an Ornament Exchange Party. It's the time with people that matter.
  • I have no idea when Nik's family is coming/leaving for Christmas. I have no idea what we are eating, or haven't a clue what to get most people for Christmas. It's okay, because it will happen (and be great) with or with out my lists and plans and big to-do's. (By the way, Davis Family - I will be calling at some point soon to work all this out!).
Not sure what a good word is...but that is where I am at right now in my life!

We have dinner plans with friends tonight, going to see our church's Living Christmas Tree, a party tomorrow night and a full-busy Sunday. Bring on the Christmas Season! I hope Nik feels better, or I'm going to have a fun weekend without him!

Oh, I also have big plans to suprise someone with flowers, buy maternity pants (finally...maybe...), finish Christmas shopping for those people I am mailing gifts too, make some homemade ornaments and get my Christmas cards finished up. Oh ya, and finish decorating my house and cleaning up my dining room (putting all furniture back in rooms).

Think that list is a little much? Well, Nik does too. I have high hopes for the next 72 hours. Maybe I will just hire someone to help me...oh wait...I can't do that...I have to pay for a baby!

Have a great, wonderful, Christmas-filled weekend!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Things I Am Loving

Here is a list of a few things I am loving so far this Winter Season:

My  new slippers - purchased at Wal-Mart on Black Friday. They are so warm and fluffy!

Cinnamon Candles - what a great smell for this time of year. I think I might try peppermint next...!

Christmas Music - Pandora is my favorite right now. I play it while at work, and get to hear all my Christmas favorites!

Poinsettias - love this plant. And I love that I have one for my office this year!

Cold, Rainy Weather - These last couple of days have been just that. It finally feels like winter!

Homemade Gumbo - YUMMY! One of our neighbors stopped by Sunday afternoon and told us not to cook dinner that night, that he was bringing it over. So sweet! What he brought over was homemade gumbo, rice and cheesy cornbread. It was the best gumbo we had ever had!

New Bathroom pics - I bought these at a Garage Sale (because I loved them) but had no place for them. They sat in a closet for 4 months and finally I decided they would look good in my bathroom. I love them!

My husband - he is the greatest! He is sick right now. Bummer. If he stays sick, I'm not sure how we are going to get my huge to-do list done this weekend!

So that's what I'm loving right now - Hope you are finding some things that you are loving...!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pregnancy - Week 8 & 9

Week 8 started with a 3 lb. weight loss (later in the week I gained the 3lbs back) and strong, consistent burping. Seriously, it's gross. I could take on any mid-schooler right now and totally win! But Nik is handling it better - maybe because he knows I'm growing his baby inside me!

I also don't like Ranch or any kind of milk this week. My main craving so far has been McDonalds sausage Biscuit - which I had for breakfast 3 times last week. Nik finally conviced me to buy a healthier version of the sausage biscuit at the groccery store. I did. It is not as good. We'll see how long that lasts.

I am eating an amazing amount of fruits and veggies. (Well, an amazing amount according to my standards - which are pretty low.) But they taste good right now - so while they do, I'm eating them up to keep me and Baby D healthy!

I have cut my soda intake down, to a small soda every few days (which is fine - I checked).

Nik called me to see what kind of pizza Baby D would like to eat for dinner. Every night he tells Baby D goodnight and that he loves him/her.

Week 8 is also when I got to see the doctor for the first time!

Here is a pic. I think this shirt makes my belly look bigger than I am. Maybe not. 

Week 9 was Thanksgiving week. All I remember about the week was sleeping and eating. No picture. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Pregnancy Story - Part 4

The first Doctor visit.

I met with my Doctor, Dr. G, on November 17. I pulled into the parking lot that morning at 9:20, and pulled out at 12:20pm. All I can say was I was exhausted after that!

We started the appointment talking with Dr. G so she could get to know us and go over some of my history and medical stuff. Then she moved on to routine exams. Everything so far checked out nicely. There was nothing to be concerned about. Finally, she got out the Ultra Sound kit and scope thing.

Next thing we knew, we were looking at little Baby D. It was kind of a surreal moment. I mean, Nik and I were looking at our baby!!!! Hello???!!! Crazy. All I have to say. We heard the heartbeat. Saw the start of the arms and legs. There were tears. Definately from me, and maybe just teary eyes from Nik. Hands down, one of the top moments of my life!

Dr. G was suprised at how much we could see and how developed Baby D was. So she did some measuring and everything was right on the correct time schedule - 8 wks and 5 days. Want to  see our first pics of Baby D? Oh ya, she did confirm there was only one little baby in there. (I would have been fine with 2, but I don't know that Nik would of been!) On to the pics....

After Dr. G visited with us some more, Nik had to leave for an apt. I was then sent to scheduling (where I scheduled the next 5 months worth of appointments) and then to do more testing (potty in a cup - 2nd time that day - and have blood drawn). I was a trooper through it all, if I say so myself!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Pregnancy Story Part 3

Telling our families.

We debated on how/when to tell our parents the news of Baby D. When we realized that we would be seeing them over the weekend of November 3-7 (Wedding Weekend) we knew we had to tell them, then. Nik had recently seen a 'Grandparents' picture frame that he loved - and he came up with the idea to include pictures of his parents 2 grandkids then add the picture of us with our pregnancy test! So we did - and this is how it turned out:

Since Kay's birthday was really soon, we put the frame in a gift bag and included a 'Happy Birthday Grandma' card with it.

The night of the Wedding, Nik and I were running some errands before heading back to the house. Now that the wedding was over, we were excitedly talking about sharing our news. We were planning to tell Nik's parents at lunch after church on Sunday. But as we were talking logistics of getting the gift bag out of our car, into his parents car, and then in the seemed a little hard. We threw around the idea of just sharing it with them that evening. We decided to see how the night went.

We were all tired from the wedding, but were sitting in the living room talking - not quite ready for bed yet. Nik looked at me and asked "Should We?" I said "Yes!" So Nik got the gift and told his mom we brought her birthday gift down with us so we did not have to mail it, and told her she could go ahead and open it up.

She first read the card, and looked at me. Kept reading and kept looking at me. I think she asked something like "Is this true / Really / Are you trying to tell me something?" I told her to keep looking in her bag. She passed her card to Russell and he said, "Well, you are already a Grandma". Then she pulled out the frame and squealed with delight at the message and picture. She shared it with Russell and then they both hugged Nik and I. We shared with them a little more of the story and just talked excidedly for awhile.

Later that night Ryan and Anna came over. When they came in the house, Nik asked if he wanted to see mom's birthday present. He did. Nik gave the frame to him, and his mouth dropped open, then said "Really?" I'm not sure that he waited for an answer before grabbing Nik, then me and hugging us. He and Anna were both really excited for us.


Since we got Nik's parents a frame to share the news, I decided to do that as well for my family. I got a simpler frame and inserted our picture:

Since we already had plans to meet my mom, Scotty, Jennifer and Christian in Dallas for lunch, we decided to tell them then. When we got to the restaurant I carried in a gift bag and sat it on the seat next to me. As soon as we said hello and hugged everyone - I just grabbed the bag and gave it to my mom. I think I was too excited/nervous to wait any longer. I remember thinking...I bet Nik has to go potty from the long drive - oh well, he will just have to wait now!

As I handed my mom the bag, I told her that I had something to give her. She opened the bag and I have no idea what she said (sorry mom)! I just remember saying "we're having a baby!" And then everyone was up and hugging all over again. Over lunch we shared with them a little more.

That night when we got home, I called my sister on the phone and told her the good news. She was very excited for me! And very excited to be an aunt!

We asked both of our families to keep it a secret for awile (at least until I saw the doctor). I know this was hard for them to do! Sorry, family - but thanks!

Telling our families brought such great moments for us. I know they are all just as excited about Baby D as we are!


Our house is coming along - I can see progress!

This past weekend Nik spent HOURS pulling up tile and sanding down the grout that was below it.

He was one tired puppy after all that work! After working so long, and not getting very far on the grout situation, he looked into renting a sander. Well worth the money. Hands down.

Monday was the day to begin laying the flooring. Thanks to help from our Pastor, Nik was able to get our bedroom and 1/2 the living room done. Tuesday they finished the living room and started down the hallway.

This is how it looks so far (minus the dust particles that are showing up in the pic):

I think I have finally decided to add some curtains in our Living Room - to make it a bit more 'home-y'. Who knows how long this will actually take...remember the picture frames...! Ha. We will also add some area rugs.

Hopefully the last two bedrooms will be completed by the weekend. Then it's major cleaning time and then Christmas Decorating time!!!

Hello Christmas music, candles, cider...can't wait!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pregnancy - Weeks 6 & 7

Sunday, October 30, I was 6 weeks pregnant. I made Nik take a picture of me so I could start documenting the physical changes of my body. So here is my first pregnancy picture:

No 'baby belly' yet. Just my normal fluffy-self. (By the way, 'fluffy' is a nicer word for over-weight / fat).

So far in the pregnancy I was feeling great. I was not experiencing too many pregnancy symptoms - Just some mild cramping and tenderness in the chest. Oh and bloating. Major.

Then week 7 hit (November 6)! Wowza - I was tired! And queasy. I was eating often (trying to eat healthy snacks) through out the day. And I was burping. Seriously, I was grossing out my husband. I kept telling him to be grateful that I was only burping and that he was not having to hold my hair as I puked in the potty! I am very grateful I have not been sick so far.

This week I started exercising at night and going to bed a little earlier to make sure my body is getting proper rest.

So far, no weight gain (plus or minus a few ounces).

And I was surprised at how not-very-moody or emotional I have been.
We started talking baby names this week, and then we stopped. Too hard.

At the beginning of Week 7, we told our families about the pregnancy. Story to come...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Pregnancy Story Part 2

The Friday after we found out I was pregnant, we had an appointment at the hospital with someone to go over our insurance and see how much this pregnancy was going to cost. Holy Cow! Do you know how much birthing a baby costs? It's a lot. Talk about stealing the joy of pregnancy...this lady almost stole all of my baby joy! That's all I have to say about that...Oh, one more thing - why do they talk money with you before a doctor will ever even see you? Enough....

However, while we were there, she calculated my due date for me! Baby D's due date is June 24, 2012!

After insurance lady stole my joy, I made Nik Nik kindly took me to the store to buy this:

What to Expect When You're Expecting! It still was feeling a little surreal to me that I was pregnant, especially since I had no clue what was going on with my body or my baby. This book was the key (or so I told Nik) to me actually feeling pregnant! 

Talk about information! There is so much to learn and know - it was kind of overwheling at first. Then I adopted the frame of mind that I use often. (Examples - there will always be someone whiter, smarter, skinner, fatter...etc than me). So in this case my frame of mind went something like this - There are people in the world who are dumber than me and still have/raise babies every day. It will not be the end of the world if I don't know everything there is to know. 

That said, I have skimmed the book. I kinda know what's going on in my body (and that's another story....) and I kinda know how my baby is growing/developing. One word: AMAZING!

I finally got an appointment with an actual doctor for Thursday, November 17. More to come.... 

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Pregnancy Story

I hope this post is not too much information... I just want to share with you the story of our pregnancy. It's a little long...but I wanted to make sure that I did not forget anything about this special time. So here is our story, from the beginning....

When Nik and I got married back in 2002, everyone began to ask us when we were going to have kids. Our reply was always, "in five years". Five years later, our reply was still "in five years!" For most of our marriage we knew we wanted to have kids...some day. But we never really felt a peace about trying to start. Then, in the last two years or so, something started stirring in us that we wanted to try to start a family soon. First (and more) in me than Nik, but he was on board for sometime in the near future (this was about two years ago)!

During that time I really started praying about this decision. Because we want to always seek God's direction in our life, I started praying for His timing and His will to be done. Nik and I didn't discuss trying to start a family a whole lot, we just mentioned it every now and then, and it was always decided...not yet.

Then, back in July we stopped trying to prevent a pregnancy. We never really had a big discussion about it, it just happened. Finally, after about a month I asked Nik "So, are we now trying to have a baby?" I think the thought scared him a bit because his reply was "Well, we're not, not trying." And that was basically our discussion! However, if you are not, not trying...then technically, your trying!

Side note - during the time of us trying to start a family, I was not stressed over whether we were going to get pregnant or not. I wanted to fully trust God's timing in this area. And at this time in my life (not saying I would always feel that way) it was okay if we did not get pregnant for awhile. Besides...I really had no desire to get pregnant until late spring/early summer....after the summer we just had, I think you can understand why! But back to my story...

Fast forward to October... I was supposed to start my monthly cycle the weekend of October 15 (same weekend as my bike crash). But I never started (being late is not typical of me). But I wasn't too concerned because at the time I was dealing with a broken hand. I remember telling Nik right before I left town the following week (to go to Anna's Wedding Showers), that he could pick up a pregnancy test if he wanted while he was out running errands that weekend. He never did! When I got back home, I asked about it, and he suggested we give me a few more days. I laughed about it and told him he was in denial, and that we could only put it off so long. We both kinda thought that I had not started yet due to the trauma/stress of my fall.

However, Tuesday, October 25 I wanted to know. One way or another. I called Nik, and he told me he was going to be running errands soon. So I asked if he could pick up a test (inserting..."don't let anyone we know see you...!"). He thought we were waiting a few more days.... but I told him I couldn't wait any longer, but that he could keep waiting if he wanted...I would take the test and just not tell him the answer! Ha!

So when I got off of work that evening I took a test. I set a timer and we did not look at the test until the timer went off. What we saw when we looked...was a really dark pink line and a very light pink line. I knew that two lines = positive and one line = negative. But what in the world did a dark line and a light line mean?! Seriously, this is supposed to be one of the top moments in our lives...and I was confused!

So, we pulled out all the instructions to read what they said. It did state that a dark and light line were still a positive result. But our line was really light - in fact I had to keep looking to see if there really was a line or not! I ended up taking another test that night...same result. So I woke up the next morning and took it again...same result. By this time Nik and I did think I was pregnant....even with a very light line. We decided a second light line, is still a line! So I called the doctors office and they told me to come in for a test to make sure.

I went in about noon on Wednesday and by 3 pm I had not heard back. So I called. The lady said, "The test result is positive." I held my breath for a minute and then said, "That's a good thing!" She laughed. I had to ask what I do now...because I'm new to all this. After we talked a few more minutes I hung up the phone, then called Nik and told him YES! Then I started crying! (This was probably not the wisest decision for me to find out while I was at work). I remember Nik saying "Good" a couple of times. I told him I was really excited, and he said he was too!

I honestly did not know how Nik was going to react...I knew he would not be upset, but I did not know how excited he would actually be! Turns out - he is pretty stinking excited! We are both extremely happy!

Over the next few days we talked about all kinds of important where to put Nik's weight set and my sewing machine now that the weight/sewing room was turning into a nursery! By the way, Nik's first suggestion was to leave it in the nursery...ummm...No! We also talked about when/how to share the news with our families. There was a lot we did not discuss - just because we had not yet talked to the doctor, and we didn't quite know our due date.

Nik started calling me 'Preggo' every chance he got, so I started refering to him as my "Baby-Daddy!"

Over the next few days we started trying to get used to the idea that we were going to be parents. Crazy. It was kinda surreal.

More of the Pregnancy Story to come - including how we told our families and the first pregnancy shot of my (non-existent) baby-belly!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Three Things

What a wonderful Thanksgivivg we had! We were able to spend a few days at my grandmas with most of my family. There were 11 of us total. And oh my, we laughed a lot!

The last couple of days really consisted of three things:

1 - Eating - oh yes we did! There was great food as always, but the highlight of the food this year was the pies. Guess how many pies we had? 10. 10 stinkin delicious pies! Remember how many people were there - 11. You do the math. Some of us ate our quota (Nik) and some did not (me - and it was a good thing!). A run down of the pies: Apple, Pecan, Apple-Pecan, 2 Chocolate, Coconut, Lemon, 2 Cherry O Cheese and Peanut Butter.

2 - Shopping - We survived another Black Friday (and Gray Thursday, according to my cousin)! We shopped at Wal-Mart Thursday. Left the house at 9:20pm for a Sonic run on the way. Got back home by 1am, in bed by 1:30. Out the door Friday morning at 3:30. Hit 4 more stores, breakfast in between and home by 8:30am. Back in bed by 9am. Later that evening Nik and I went out again to shop a little more.

3 - Sleeping - That is basically what I did if I was not eating or shopping. It was kind of sad, how much I slept. But I'm pregnant and that is what pregnant girls do, so I hear.

I will leave you with one picture. Only because that is the only picture I took. Sad, I know. But remember I ate and slept the whole time.

This is the women checking out all the ads before leaving Thursday night:

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Yes, I Am!

I'm Pregnant!

Yes, you read that right (for those of you - mom - 
who thought this would never happen)!

Nik and I are super excited about this news.

We even made shirts to help spread the word!

I have lots to share from the past 9 weeks - so stay tuned!


Our home is in a bit of upheavel right now. We decided to re-do all of our flooring - replacing all the carpet with laminate, and all the linolium with tile. BIG project. For Nik. Not me. I'm pretty useless still.

Phase 1 - rip up all carpet and prep for flooring. I came home to Nik, in the middle of this on Tuesday  night. I had no idea he was going to start the project, but he did! So far, our 2 spare rooms, hallway and living room are just about ready. He promised to leave our bedroom alone until Sunday.

We have a plan of what flooring we are purchasing and will do so on Saturday. Unless we find a better deal elsewhere on Black never know!

Phase 2 - Monday starts the phase of actually laying the floor. Thankfully, Nik will have some help from our Pastor!

Phase 3 - Put everything back in order!

Phase 4 - Tile. Wait until we save more money.

My husband is awesome and I'm so thankful he can and is willing to do all the work by himself!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ding Dong Ditch

Sunday night after PM service, the Youth Group participated in Ding Dong Ditch.

Ding Dong Ditch is just what it sounds like - the teens ring the doorbell (or knock loudly) and then run away and hide. But the catch is that they leave a basket full of food in front of their door!

This is an event that Nik puts together every year at the church. Weeks in advance he asks our church members to begin bringing food to fill a number of Thanksgiving baskets (this year he did 11). These baskets are put together by the teens with food items to make a Thanksgiving meal.

Nik asks around to other church members and people in the community to find families that are in need of such a basket.

The teens have the best time together running around in the dark through neighborhoods and apartment complexes planning their ding-dong and ditch strategies. Many of them find a hiding place so they can see the people open their door and find the food.

This is a very humbling and touching time for our teens. It is a pretty easy thing for our church to do, but the impact of this small gift is great. And the lesson of how to be the hands and feet of Jesus that our teens take away with them is most important.

Every year memories are made at this event and we had the best turn out yet, with 15 teens! They only got chased by a dog once, and fell down a couple of times!

The local paper found out about this event and even did a short write-up on it!

I hope your Thanksgiving is good. I hope that you are grateful. Each year, I know that I become more thankful and aware of the blessings I have.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What I Have Learned

The following are some lessons that I have learned on my broken-hand-journey:

*  I am grateful for every single one of my body parts.

*  It is okay to ask for help.

*  People can surprise you with how competent they really are when you don't automatically do everything!

*  It is alright to say "No" when being asked to do more than you can handle.

*  Your body works in amazing ways - especially how it compensates for limbs that don't do their job.

*  How to drive (and work) pretty well one-handed.

*  That if you are really slow doing something - your husband will probably help you do it.

*  That it is ok to do things a little slower and on your own - just to know that you can.

So are you tired of reading about my broken hand yet? I'm sure you are. Maybe I can try to come up with some better blog material...

Have you been wondering about Nik lately and what he is up to? Well, he has been busy taking care of me. And Upward. And sick for about 24 hours after having a tooth pulled. It was bad. He was helpless and pathetic. Thankfully, he is better now.

Here's to hoping for better blog posts....!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My New Cast

Well, my cast is off! I thank God for the healing that has taken place in my hand. But I still have a ways to go. I have to be in an air cast for at least 4 more weeks. I can (thankfully) take it off about 4 times a day (including shower time) to work on some exercises. The goal is to be able to make a full fist by the time I go back to the doctor. Currently, I can barely move any fingers!

Here's a new pic of my cast since I know you are just dying to see it!

My hand is feeling pretty good, although the first day it really hurt. I have been trying to do more things - I washed about 10 dishes (I'm slow and made a mess), I fixed a Salad with stuff in it (again, super slow cutting with my left hand), and I cooked Red Beans and Rice (I was trying to stir and hold the lid - apparently too much for me, because I dropped the spoon and it splattered everywhere) and it turned out good.

Even through the frustrations...I am grateful my hand is healing and that it was not a whole lot worse!

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Mother-in-Law

Today is Kay's Birthday!

Happy birthday to a wonderful lady! Hope that your day is filled with many good things - you deserve it!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

In other News...

Nik was asked to give the invocation Friday at a city gathering. The gathering was put on by Keep Temple Beautiful. The director and Nik have a great relationship - Nik and our church have helped them many times in the past. But the most important thing about this is what I got out of it: A new bag filled with goodies! Nik knows how to please his woman!

I am seriously considering making my own Laundry Detergent. I have found a really great recipe for this and I can make a batch for around $10.00. The great thing about it is though... that batch will last me about a year! Once I find the time to do it, I'll let you know!

I finally go back to the ortho doctor about my hand Tuesday. Pray with me for complete healing. Besides, if the doctor tells me he has to cast it again - me and him are going to have to have words. Not nice words! I have even been dreaming about using my right again. Seriously, I dreamed Thursday night about washing my hair with two hands! If that is not a sign that it is time for the cast to come off, I'm not sure what is!

We have cleaned out closets to see what we can give to a local clothing place that is in need of clothes. Especially men's dress clothes. Check - we have those!

As we were cleaning out closets, I came across these:

Bags and bags, and bags in bags! Seriously, how many bags can, should a person have? Well, we also made a trip to goodwill with some clothes and bags!

That's all the news for now...!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wedding Weekend

The (long-time-coming) wedding of Ryan and Anna finally happened - and what a weekend it was!

Nik and I pulled into Texarkana about 1am Thursday morning. Nik got to rest for a few hours, then he and Ryan drove to Dallas to meet up with Chris for a man-day. Their man-day included Twisted Root, and Top Golf (what else?!).

Nik, Ryan and Chris

Kay, Anna and I ran errands and helped get the church ready for the Rehearsal and the Wedding.

Friday was much the same as Thursday....errands and finishing up last minute details! Friday night we attended the Rehearsal Dinner and then rehearsed the wedding. Here are a few pics from that night:

Ryan and Anna

Groom's Men - Jordan, Nathan and Nik

Rehearsal Dinner

Anna and her dad

The Groom's Party

Side note - funny story: When Nik's family showed up to the rehearsal dinner they came over to me and handed me a gift. I was a little nervous about it because of the looks on their faces... Guess what it was? A pair of Training Wheels for my bike! Ha! They said they thought of me when they saw them and had to get them for me so I wouldn't fall off my bike anymore! Thanks!

Aunt Melody and I

After the rehearsal a few of us went bowling with Ryan, Anna and their kiddos. It was really fun, especially with me, trying to bowl left handed! Just for the record - I bowl just about as good left handed as I do right handed!

Anna and Ryan

Nik and I

Saturday was the big day!

Ryan, the morning of the big day! 

Caleb wanted to take a picture of me - so this is the 'before' pic
Hair a mess and no make up

Nik and I met up with our good friends, Chris and Kylee for lunch before we went to the church to start getting ready. We like to take every chance we get to see them!

Here's some pics of us before the wedding:

Anna, getting her hair done. 

 Kylee and I (the after picture)
Thanks so much, Kylee for helping me get ready!

Helping Anna with her dress and veil

In the Brides room, waiting for the ceremony to begin 

Nik and I all spruced up

The Wedding Ceremony!

This is what you get when you let Chris and Kylee have your camera (plus a few others)!

The Wedding and Reception was beautiful! We had a great time and I am so excited for Ryan and Anna! After the Wedding, we went back to the house to unwind and crash - we were all exhausted.

Sunday, we attended Nik's parents church. Then we went out to eat and napped the afternoon away. Well, I did anyways. I think Nik and his dad dozed through a special on TV about snakes....good thing Nik did not have any nightmares that night!

Monday we headed home and on the way, met up with my mom, Scotty, Jennifer and Christian for lunch in Dallas. It was really nice to get to see them. We will see them in a few weeks for Thanksgiving, but any little visits we can fit in are always great!

What a wonderful weekend we had celebrating Ryan and Anna's new life together!